Aliens Fireteam Elite New Patch Updates Doc Kit and Fixes Bugs
Aliens Fireteam Elite has a new update
News by Grayshadow on Sep 23, 2021
Aliens Fireteam Elite has a new update resolving many bugs and updates to the Doc Kit.
The details about the patch are below:
The “Trauma Station” Ability now regains energy when any player picks up an Aid Kit, instead of only granting energy to the specific Doc player that picks it up. If there is more than one Doc in the team, the energy is split between them.
The “Trauma Station” Ability Replacers (Painkiller Station and Suppression Station) can now be placed down even when out of energy.
Change to the HUD so that it now displays a notification showing the amount of energy replenished when picking up an Aid Kit, making it easier to tell when the “Trauma Station” Ability has been recharged.
The Doc’s “Field Medic” Perk and its related Perks have had their range increased to 7m (previously 6m.)
The Demolisher’s “Rampage” Perk should now work correctly with flamethrowers.
The Demolisher’s "Assault & Battery" Perk now only grants up to 50% cooldown reduction (previously 100%.) This Perk has also had its tooltip updated to reflect this change.
Fixed an issue with Special Ammo Consumables where they could be erroneously applied to the N79 EVA Laser Pistol. Attempting to do so will now display a message informing you that Special Ammo is not available for this weapon.
The “Stuck Magazines” Challenge Card should no longer affect AI companions.
The “Tactical Cam” Challenge Card should now correctly affect all players in a party.
Fixed a number of places in the game where players could get stuck in the world geometry.
Fixed a number of places in the game where players could traverse, but enemies could not reach them.
Fixed a situation where the Doc’s UI for the “Trauma Station” Ability’s energy bar could display an inaccurate value.
Fixed a situation where kills with flamethrowers would not be counted towards the progress of a Tactical Opportunity.
Intel items should now be able to be properly pinged with the correct message.
Fixed a number of situations where more players than intended were able to group up.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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