Portal 1 and 2 Coming to the Nintendo Switch
Portal coming to Switch
News by Grayshadow on Feb 10, 2022
Portal is one of Valve's most acclaimed series that has fallen victim to the dread Valve 3 curse. But now Switch owners can experience this acclaimed puzzle platformer.
Both games will come to the Switch as the Portal Companion Collection that combines the 2007 and 2011 games. No release date was provided.
Taking place in the Half-Life universe players take control of Chell, a test subject for Aperture Science Laboratories Computer-Aided Enrichment Center, and must survive deadly tests using a Portal gun to navigate the various facilities. Momentum and precision play a huge role along with critical thinking skills.
Unfortunately despite popular demand Valve never made a Portal 3.
Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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