Street Fighter V August Update Brings New Rage Quit Penalties, CPU Versus Mode Next Month

Capcom slowing building up Street Fighter V's content

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 16, 2016

Capcom has some new plans for Street Fighter V for this month and the next, giving players access to basic fighting modes and penalizing players for quitting early.

Street Fighter V,NoobFeed,Capcom,Sony,

Capcom outlined the August patch for their fighting game, stating that those who rage quit will lose League Points and will be locked out of online play for a specific duration. This will ensure players who finish matches gain priority when in matchmaking.

September will bring vs. CPU option, daily challenges with Fight Money rewards, and updates to certain players' Fighter Profile. Expect double Fight Money events to begin next month for ranked matches, the first one starting on September 2nd and ending the 4th. This is only a preview of September's update so expect more information later on.

Season Pass holders will get some premium costumes and more color options. Color bundles will now become available for purchase, including all 22 fighters default and Color Pack 3-10 using Fight Money.

Street Fighter V is now available for PC and PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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