Tyranny Gets Character Portraits As First DLC

More things are, supposedly, coming to the world of Terratus in the future.

News by Woozie on  Apr 05, 2017

In a move that can be catalogued as surprising, Obsidian Entertainment have released a portrait pack as first DLC for their latest game, Tyranny. The DLC contains 20 new portraits featuring both male and female characters. In order to obtain them, you'll need to pay 3,99€, or your regional equivalent.

Tyranny, Portrait Pack, DLC, Image, News

Judging by the Facebook post that announced the DLC, more things are in store for Tyranny fans, however no concrete info has been made available at this time. One of the complaints I had while writing the Tyranny PC Review was related to the length of the third act. A new serving of gameplay could be just what's needed to fill that void.

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