Griftlands Announced As Klei Entertainment's Next Game

The studio is ready to give us its take on RPGs with Griftlands.

News by Woozie on  Jun 12, 2017

Oxygen Not Included was announced during last year's PC Gaming Show. Since then, the game has gone through an alpha, arriving on Early Access not so long ago. Keeping up the tradition, Klei Entertainment have come forth with an announcement regarding their next game. Griftlands will be a sci-fi RPG that makes use of Klei's very recognizable graphical style (this one reminds more of Shank). The title will feature exploration, bartering, persuading and combat (which looks to be turn-based, although don't quote me on that just yet).

Griftlands, E3 2017, PC, Image, News

Griftlands is set to release sometime in late 2017/early 2018. Have a look at the Griftlands Announcement Trailer. If you haven't already, you can also check out our Oxygen Not Included Preview.

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