Persona 5 - Royal Gets An English Trailer Finally

A new Persona 5 The Royal trailer has been released and its in english

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 10, 2019

For some time, Atlus has been releasing new trailers for the upcoming update for Persona 5 called Persona 5 Royal. Almost all the trailers have been in Japanese but now english fans can finally watch the latest trailer without the aid of subtitles.


Persona 5,NoobFeed,Royal,

The trailer provides an overview of the title. With a combination of situations from the original and remake versions of the game. Those who've yet to experience the original game should be wary of spoilers as the game includes most of the original cast.

Persona 5 is now available for PS4. Persona 5 Royal is coming to the PS4 this 2020.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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