Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Announced
Street Fighter V getting a new edition
News by Grayshadow on Nov 19, 2019
Street Fighter V is getting another edition, Champion Edition!
This version of the game is now open for pre-orders and will launch this February 14th. Included are 40 characters, 34 stages, and 200+ costumes. Included is the main villain from Street Fighter 3.
If you want all the previous DLC in 1 package this would be ideal. It'll only cost $29.99 but if you own a copy you can purchase the upgrade kit for $24.99.
In other recent Street Fighter V news, the new set of characters introduced to Street Fighter V are E. Honda, Lucia, and Poison.
Street Fighter V is now available for PS4 and PC.
Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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