Anthem Won't Have Romances but Friendships

No romance options in Anthem

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 10, 2018

Romances are one of the most popular features in BioWare's titles. Whether it's Tali from Mass Effect, Dorian from Dragon Age, or any other of BioWare's great titles. However, Anthem won't have such an option.

Anthem,NoobFeed,E3 2018,

According to Game Informer, lead producer Mike Gamble explained “There are no romances. There are friendships. Some of the stuff we did with Mass Effect – the Citadel DLC specifically – there was a lot of friendship moments. You and Garrus sitting up, shooting – that kind of stuff, we want to lean into that. The romantic stuff, we’re moving away from that for Anthem.”

You'll still have relationships but nothing romantic. This will likely be disappointing for many BioWare fans as romance options are one of the most popular optional features in their titles.

Anthem launches February 22nd, 2019 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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