Bit Kid Teasing Chasm for Nintendo Switch

Will Chasm join Nintendo Switch's library?

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 28, 2018

Recently, Bit Kid finally released Chasm. A Metroidvania rogue-like adventure with deep combat mechanics and diverse levels. Now its developer may be releasing the title on the Nintendo Switch.

Chasm,NoobFeed,Nintendo Switch,Bit Kid,

Geez, @Dan_Adelman's desk is a disaster!

— CHASM (@ChasmGame) August 27, 2018

An image was teased on the game's official Twitter account with an Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch in the image. While it's unlikely the game will come to the Xbox 360 the Nintendo Switch is much more possible. Nintendo has been greenlighting games from the indie community like wildfire and Chasm would make an excellent game for the go.

Chasm is now available for PS4, PC, and PS Vita.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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