Alone in the Dark Guide | Floor Plan Puzzle

A guide on how to solve the Floor Plan Puzzle in Alone in the Dark

Game Guide by Sabi on  Mar 02, 2025

In Chapter 4 of Alone in the Dark, you will stumble upon the Blueprint Floor Plan Puzzle in the Morgue of the Medical Ward. It is crucial to the gameplay progress since it opens new routes and provides the Morgue Key, which is important for further exploration.

Step 1: Getting the Blueprint Pieces Together

Alone in the Dark Guide, Step 1: Getting the Blueprint Pieces Together

The first thing you want to do is track down the two sets of blueprints used in the puzzle. 

Derceto Entombment Plans A: This set is on a tabletop near the starting point in the Morgue. 

Derceto Entombment Plans B: This set is on the right bookshelf near the stairs in the same room.

Step 2: Get to Know the Puzzle Grid

Alone in the Dark Guide, Step 2: Get to Know the Puzzle Grid

  • The puzzle is a 3x3 grid of the Medical Ward floor plan, with the top-left corner intentionally left blank.
  • Your mission is to carefully insert and arrange the blueprint pieces so that you can reconstruct the ward's architecture precisely.

Step 3: Insert the Blueprint pieces

Alone in the Dark Guide, Step 3: Insert the Blueprint pieces

  • Every single piece of blueprint indicates a particular room or part of the Medical Ward defined with proper labels as such:
  • Take the piece of blueprint and lift it up to view details. Check for names or inscriptions on the piece that indicate which room it represents. Compare with the base floor plan and locate it to determine its positioning. Then, adjust the rotation.
  • Rotate the object as required so that any lettering or room names are properly positioned for reading.

Place the Piece:

  • Place the rotated piece in its correct position on the grid.
  • Repeat these steps with each blueprint fragment until everything fits perfectly into the floor plan.

Step 4: Verifying the Solution 

After putting the pieces in place: 

  • Ensure that the floor plan makes sense, with all rooms having clear labels and orientations.
  • Check also that your plan has no gaps and mismatched components.
  • If a correct sequence is maintained, it shall show a little cutscene directly linking you to a problem being solved successfully. 

Reward and Progress 

The Morgue Key is awarded by solving the Blueprint Floor Plan Puzzle. This key opens the Morgue exit for more exploration in the Medical Ward. 

Also check out our Alone in the Dark Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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