Conan O'Brien Reveals What He Shot 1 Year Ago With Hideo Kojima, Officially Part of the Death Stranding

Conan O'Brien part of Death Stranding

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 25, 2019

Back in December 2018, comedian Conan O'Brien teased new information of Death Stranding. However, he couldn't reveal what was shot at Kojima Productions Now, he has made the footage public in a new video.

Death Stranding,NoobFeed,Conan O' Brien,

The video shows Conan talking to Hideo Kojima. Speaking about the game and Conan even being part of the title. With Kojima and his team capturing Conan's appearance and placing him within the game.

Called "The Wondering MC" he can provide the player with the Sea Otter Suit, allowing for better swimming capabilities.

This isn't the first time Conan appeared in a video game. Him and Andy Richter appeared as NPCs in Halo 4. 

Death Stranding is launching on November 8 on PS4

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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