Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, a New Flavor Pack Arriving in Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia adds a new system and regional color to the Fate of Iberia.

News by Rayan on  Apr 19, 2022

Crowns, beliefs, and civilizations all strive for supremacy. When it came to intrigue, conquest, and diplomatic relations in Medieval Europe were at their peak. Century-spanning drama was sparked when conflicting aspirations met head-on. Gamers will be able to take part in this drama in a whole new manner with Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia. On May 31st, you'll be able to embark on these epic journeys at your leisure. Check out the Fate of Iberia's announcement trailer.

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Cover, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

A whole new system, Struggles, is introduced in this flavor pack for Paradox Interactive's widely regarded grand strategy, emphasizing the particular historical conditions of conflict hotspots. Rival claims and personal grudges take center stage in Medieval Spain's diverse cultural tapestry in Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia. Players have additional tools to cope with this unique predicament.

Crusader Kings III: The Fate of Iberia includes the following features:

- A completely new system of historical conflict that may be modified and customized to any degree.

- Conquer Iberia or agree on an amicable split of spoils as you unify Spain and decide Iberia's fate.

- Two new Legacy tracks (Urbane and Coterie), new Cultural Traditions stressing specific historical traits of the Iberian peninsula, and new buddy interactions and duels on the chessboard. These are all new.

- Historical events, some of which are tied to the battle for Iberia. They are being added to the game to provide more variation for players of all skill levels.

- In addition to a new character and unit designs based on medieval Iberian civilizations, there is a wide range of new imagery for loading screens, events, and backdrops.

- Songs for the soundtrack of "Crusader Kings III" have been released recently.

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia, Crusader Kings III, New, Flavor Pack, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, Screenshots, Spring 2022

All Crusader Kings III owners will get a free update, as is customary, that brings additional choices and features to Fate of Iberia. For the 867 start date, there will be a new faction type, Heads of Faith that may be shared by multiple faiths, and a new beginning bookmark that emphasizes significant Iberian figures.

The retail price of Crusader Kings III: Fate of Iberia will be $6.99 during its release on May 31st, 2022. Those who already possess Crusader Kings III or Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition will get it free.

Crusader Kings III is one of the highest-rated grand strategy games in NoobFeed. If you're still unfamiliar with the game, check our Crusader Kings III review.

Azfar Rayan (@AzfarRayan)
Editor, NoobFeed

Azfar Rayan

Senior Editor, NoobFeed

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