Fallout 3: Broken Steel Info

News by Serbsta on  Apr 22, 2009

The up and coming Fallout 3 DLC, titled Broken Steel is set to bring itself back to the game unlike the first DLC which at times seemed almost detached from the original Fallout. The DLC will be available on May 5, 2009 on Xbox 360 and Games for Windows Live. But before you consider forking out 800 Microsoft Points, heres some info you might want to know.





1. You will become a part of the Brotherhood of Steel and attempt to rid the Capital Wastelands of the Enclave remnants once and for all. You will still play as the Lone Wanderer but the original storyline will get some new features and options for the player to choose, something which might bring back interest into possibly re-playing it. Along with new options the level cap will be raised to 30 and the length of the campaign will remain the same as that of Operation Anchorage.





2. Broken Steel kicks off about 2 weeks after the end of the main quest. Youre first job in this DLC is to help the Brotherhood build a new weapon, the Tesla Cannon, to help fight against the Enclave. You are then introduced to Adams Air Force Base where you go to retreieve new instructions. Most of your quests will involve transporting goods in between bases which can take up to an hour to do, but there will be new unmarked quests. Level 30 titles include Devil, True Mortal and Messiah depending on how you reach level 30 and the karma that comes with it.





3. New enemies are needed for you to use your new powerful Tesla Cannon and Tri-beam Laser Rifle on. The likes of Super Mutant Overlords, Feral Ghoul Reavers and Enclave Hellfire Troopers make for some hefty zapping. New perks have also been announced to coincide with 10 extra levels of gameplay, such as Puppies!, which reincarnates your Dogmeat as a puppy! PLus, Nerves of Steel will allow you to have more fun by increasing the regeneration rate of Action Points. It has been noted that actions taken by the player in Fallout 3 will affect the surroundings and events in Broken Steel.


Just some insight into what you'll be seeing, just personally, i think that Tesla Cannon says it all.


serbsta, NoobFeed

Serbsta [NF]

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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