Far Cry 3 Is Free On PC Right Now

Grab Far Cry 3 for free

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 07, 2021

Far Cry 3 is responsible for not only rebooting the dormant franchise but shooting the IP into becoming one of Ubisoft's most beloved franchises. With Far Cry 6 on everyone's minds, Ubisoft is giving away Far Cry 3 for free on PC.

Far Cry 3,NoobFeed,

This version is only available through Ubisoft's Uplay service. So you'll have to create an account. The offer will only be available until September 10th.

Far Cyr 3 stars Jason Brody, a 25-year old man on vacation with his friends. They're captured by pirates and Jason must adapt to the island's traditions and become a warrior to save his friends.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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