Get every Gears of War Title When You Pre-Order Gears of War 4

Didn't play any of the Gears of War games, well now you can for one price

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 11, 2016

Today Microsoft announced the Brothers to the End Elite Gear Pack, a new pre-order bonus for Gears of War 4.

Gears of War 4,Brothers to the End DLC,NoobFeed,The Coalition,Microsoft,

This pack includes 3 skins:

“Tomorrow Anya” is named after her famous words following the end of the Locust War (“Tomorrow Marcus. We finally have a tomorrow.”) Her appearance is based on her look in the Gears of War 4 television commercial, “Tomorrow,” where she was introduced as the mother of JD Fenix.

“Old Man Marcus” features an older Marcus Fenix as unveiled in the E3 2016 media briefing demo. Twenty-five years after the Locust War, Marcus and the COG have long since parted ways. His facial hair has grown long and his COG regulation kit has been replaced with by civilian clothes.

“Zombie Dom” proves there’s no keeping a good solider down, at least in the form of this character skin created as tribute to Marcus’ dearly departed best friend Dominic Santiago.

Also included are the gold lancer and gold gnasher.

The biggest reason to pre-order Gears of War 4 as of yet is the inclusion of every Gears of War game release to this day. This includes Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3, and Gears of War: Judgement. I've lost count how many times Microsoft has given away free copies of the Gears of Wars games.

Gears of War 4 launches for Xbox One and Windows 10 on October 11th. Those who pre-order the Ultimate Edition can start playing 4 days earlier on October 7th.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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