Halo Wars 2 Changes Coming in Response to the Beta

343 and Creative Assembly changing Halo Wars 2 based on the beta feedback

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 11, 2017

Following the beta of Halo Wars 2 developers at Creative Assembly and 343 Industries are using the data to create some new changes to the game.

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According to Halo Waypoint the following changes are coming:

Reduced the Locust and Bloodfuel Locust DPS, health, and shields

Scarab can now attack units at closer range

Improved the responsiveness of Blitz card hand inputs

Improved game performance

Improved UI responsiveness

Tightened skill matching to improve match quality of multiplayer games

Improved initial loading times

Bug fixes for card hand and units not responding

Improved voice chat functionality on PC

Improved PC performance, hardware detection, and compatibility

Improved multiplayer and network reliability

Lots and lots of additional fixes

In addition, 343 added that players can start gathering Blitz card packs by:

Having launched the Blitz Beta once (one pack)

Finishing one match in the Blitz Beta (one pack)

Completing the “Playin’ the Field” achievement in Halo Wars 1 (one pack)

Completing “Adjudicate the Arbiter” achievement in Halo Wars 1 (three packs)

Completing the “Playin’ the Field” achievement in Halo Wars DE (one pack)

Completing “Adjudicate the Arbiter” achievement in Halo Wars DE (three packs)

Halo Wars 2 launches February 21st for Xbox One and Windows 10. For the full statistics on the beta click here.

Source: Halo Waypoint

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