Halo Wars 2 Content on the Way, Update Coming Next Week

A new update for Halo Wars 2 coming soon, new map teased

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 25, 2017

Halo Wars 2 just released but 343 Industries isn't slowing down development for the game. The studio is looking forward to releasing new content and patches to improve the experience.

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“Just because the game has launched doesn’t mean the work is done,” the developer said. “In fact, very far from it, as the Creative Assembly and 343 teams are hard at work on upcoming patches as well as future downloadable content.”

343 Industries stated that every third Wednesday of the Month, starting in March, new content will be available. Kinsano, a new leader, will be available in the coming months with more leaders, units, and campaign missions being added. 

"Last week during the Halo Wars 2: Live launch event the team shared some additional details around what players can expect for Season Pass add-on content coming to Halo Wars 2. Starting in March, players can expect a content drop every third Wednesday of the month that kicks off with the release of a brand new leader, Kinsano (pictured at right). Future leaders (including unique units) and new campaign missions as part of "Operation: Spearbreaker" will be coming in the months ahead. I'll be joining a few members of the Halo Wars 2 team for a special panel at PAX East in March to go deeper on what's coming to Halo Wars 2. Stay tuned!"

343 is also looking into improving the game's stability and efficiently, with latency being the prime focus as of now. A "large patch" will release on Windows 10 and Xbox One next week.

Halo Wars 2 is now available for Xbox One and Windows 10.

Source: Halo Waypoint

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