Halo Wars 2 Open Beta Reported to Start Next Week

Anyone for some Halo Wars 2?

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 11, 2016

A open beta for Halo Wars 2 is apparently scheduled for next week, according to a leaked image from Xbox Store Italy.

Halo Wars 2,Beta,NoobFeed,Microsoft,343 Industries,

It states that the beta will begin on Monday, June 13th and end on June 20th. June 13th is when E3 2016 begins, and the day of the Microsoft press conference, so if this is true we can expect an announcement from either Phil Spencer or 343 Industries.

Halo Wars 2 was announced last year at E3 2015 and although no gameplay footage has been shown as of yet Microsoft has confirmed that a playable demo will be at the show this year.

Halo Wars 2 will release on Xbox One and Windows 10, however no information if the beta will come to PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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