Injustice 2 Mobile Patch 5.0 Out

New Injustice 2 mobile update is available

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 27, 2021

Injustice 2 Mobile has a new patch adding a new Gold Hero, more levels, new solos raid, and much more.

Injustice 2 Mobile,NoobFeed,

The complete patch can be seen below:

Update 5.0 Patch Notes

New Gold Hero: Vixen

7 Star Hero Upgrades

More Levels. More Fun.

New Solo Raid: Coming Soon

More Bugs Crushed

Quality of Life Improvements

Bug Fixes



New Gold Hero: Vixen

The agility of a gazelle. The rage of a tiger. The electric shock of an eel. The strengths and abilities of the entire animal kingdom are within Mari McCabe. Vixen is a powerful Gold support Hero who increases Damage for her entire team and mitigates opponents Class Advantages. She also disables the Specials of her opponents by unleashing the powers of the Tantu Totem. Be the first to own Vixen with her new Early Access packs available now and get ready to take on her new Versus Challenge coming soon!


7 Star Hero Upgrades

A new era of heroes is here! Promote your collection of heroes to 7 Stars with new Legendary Intergalactic Orbs to become stronger than ever before. Complete any Solo Raids difficulty for a chance to earn the newest Orb and unleash the full potential of your heroes. Intergalactic Orbs can also be acquired by trading in your Galactic Orbs. Step into battle with a newfound confidence and dominate your foes with the uncharted strength of your newly upgraded teams. Upgrading a 7 Star Hero also unlocks a 7th Talent Slot with a chance to get new Legendary Talents!


More Levels. More Fun.

It’s time to level up, Heroes! Player Account levels have been increased from 70 to 80. Character and character ability levels have also been increased from 70 to 80, boosting your heroes’ damage and health. Level up and become stronger than ever before!


New Solo Raid: Coming Soon

Update 5.0 will introduce a brand-new Solo Raid this August featuring a new Legendary boss and a chance to unlock them! Power up your heroes and get ready take down new bosses to earn incredible rewards, including new Artifacts! More to be revealed soon.


More Bugs Crushed

We’ve made many improvements and have crushed more bugs in this update, as well as many artifact fixes and adjustments, and some UI changes!


Quality of Life Improvements

Resource missions

Current Resource Mission difficulties and their rewards were moved down one position. The first mission will show the reward and difficulty of the second, the second of the third, etc.

Tier 7 XP capsules have been added as rewards for Resource Missions on the last difficulty level. However, the progress of the players has been reset. To use the sim chips, you must win the battle again.


Sonic Black Canary was added as a possible reward for Operations.

Operations skip timer cost was decreased to 2 Gems per minute.


Added "Claim All" button in Objective’s menu.

Added new rewards menu for League chests


Notification Pips will now be deleted if they are on the screen for more than 1 second.

Notification Pips will be shown:

For every store item after recharge (if any). Example: Daily Free Chest

Once for time-limited store items when they appear in the store


Raven has new Elite Card Art per the community’s request.

Bug Fixes


Fixed the issue with reduced DOT damage applied by the Beta Club Artifact.

The All-Blades damage buff no longer resets between Brainiac's fight phases in League Raid.

Adjusted text of Entropy Aegis’s first Effect "Damage cannot get higher than 8.7% of max health."

Fixed an issue with Astro-Harness Artifact's beam that did not trigger after Collector of Worlds Superman KO'd his opponent using his third Special.

Fixed an issue with Candle of Neron Artifact’s first effect "Random Special is disabled upon tag-in" that did not work in battles with modifiers that also disabled hero's Specials.

Fixed an issue with Entropy Aegis’s first Effect "Damage cannot get higher than 8.7% of max health." This did not work when Raven's passive effect 'Darkness' was active on the hero.

Fixed an issue with Trigon's Power Staff's shield that triggered with delay after Energized Starfire's second special.

Fixed an issue when Kryptonite Ring’s second effect was triggered against a new opponent after a KO from the previous hero with Special Attack.

Fixed an issue when reapplying DOT from the same source would ignore DOT resistance from Metallo's Power Source Artifact.

Fixed an issue with Chakra Chaos when the Artifact's second effect did not trigger after Shazam performed his Special 2 or 3.

Fixed an issue with Kryptonite Spear' when Artifact's first effect remained active even after hero Combo Meter hits were reset.

Fixed an issue with Flashing Blade when the Artifact’s second effect was incorrectly triggered when Multiverse Armored Supergirl applied burn with her first special.

Fixed an issue with Flashing Blade when Artifact's second effect worked incorrectly when Batman Ninja Gorilla Grodd’s third special buffs ‘Shared Heal' and 'Heal Effectiveness’ were triggered. 

Fixed an issue with Flashing Blade when Artifact's second effect buff did not reset after Multiverse Armored Supergirl performed her second Special for the second time.

Corrected The Astro-Harness’s first effect text to mention that its ability also triggers on the swap in after Hero KO - "Upon wearers or an opponent’s entering battle, blasts an opponent with Astro-Force beam with 150% of wearer’s Attack stat".


Fixed an issue with Raven's third special effect 'Illusion' that sometimes did not ignore the damage of the opponent SP.

Raven's first Passive effect "Successful Specials used by Raven remove active buffs from opponent" no longer removes Brainiac first Special effect 'Lethal Damage buff' throughout the fight.

Fixed an issue when debuff 'Blind' applied on Raven while 'Illusion' was active.

Fixed an issue with Raven's third Special effect 'Illusion' that was triggered when 'Boss Brainiac' interrupted her third Special.

Fixed an issue with incorrect Supermove damage from heroes resurrected by JL Aquaman in Phase 4 Brainiac league raid fight.

Fixed an issue with opponent Collector of Worlds Superman's first Passive effect "SUPREMACY OF REASON" that did not work if the teammate was KO'd by Supermove.

Fixed an issue with Multiverse Armored Supergirl third Passive "INTERRUPTION" that did not cause tag-in Damage on Collector of Worlds Superman when he KO’d the first opponent using his third Special.

Fixed an issue with Justice League Superman's third passive 'Protector' that triggered after any opponent performs their Special Attack and Collector of Worlds Superman's third Special 'Foul Play' effect was active.

Fixed an issue where Golden Armor Wonder Woman second Special broke the opponent's block when Green Lantern's Barrier was active, and he was in 'Block' state.

Fixed an issue with Silver Banshee's third Special effect that removed the effect of disability from the enemy’s Special when the 'Unhittable' effect was active on the opponent.

Fixed the issue that caused the second Burn debuff from another source to reduce the opponent’s defense to zero.


Fixed crashing issue after player makes a purchase in-store.


Fixed issue with Infinite Loading wheel that occurred after watching a rewarded video when Wi-Fi connection is lost.

Reduced the delay before opening the store menu.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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