Sony Confirm That PlayStation 5 Launch Titles Will Be Announced Soon

PlayStation 5 is almost upon us, and now Sony will be unveiling the launch titles for the next-gen console shortly

News by JakeJeremy on  May 19, 2020

We're only a few short months away from the next generation from console titles. Both Sony and Microsoft will be launching their PS5 and Xbox Series X respectively at some point in 2020, with November being the rumoured date for the PlayStation 5.

PS5, PlayStation 5, Launch, Sony

With the launch of the new consoles not being too far away we have not really seen a huge amount of information regarding launch titles. This however looms like it may change in the near future.

Sony confirmed in a recent investors meeting that they were looking to "introduce a compelling lineup of titles soon" for the new PS5 platform. 

Under normal circumstances we would've likely seen a huge announcement at E3, but with the event now cancelled (and Sony pulled out months before it was)? Sony are going to have to come up with another way to get the launch title announcement to consumers.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out my recent blog post with the 5 Sequels We Need To See on PlayStation 5.

Jake Skudder, Editor, NoobFeed
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Jake Skudder

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