Trophy List for Ratchet and Clank Released

Get a head start in collecting all the trophies in Ratchet and Clank with this list

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 30, 2016

The remastered version of Rachet and Clank for the PS4 is coming in just two weeks. In anticipation Insomniac Games has released the trophy list for the game. The list does contain spoilers, you've been warned.

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Here's the complete trophy list:


The Hero of Heroes
Collect every trophy in Ratchet & Clank

GOLD (2):

Super Trader
Complete Every Holocard set


SILVER (14):

Complete the Game on Challenge Mode

Ultimate Explorer
Collect every gold bolt.

Full Gun Rack
Acquire every weapon in the game

Master of War
Upgrade every weapon to maximum level

These Go to Eleven
Unlock every modification for every weapon

Mr. Fancypants
Upgrade Ratchet’s health to maximum level

Acquire every gadget

Abby Normal
Collect every Telepathopus brain

Go Speed Ratchet, Go!
Win the Gold Cup on both Rilgar and Kalebo

Complete every Trespasser puzzle without using Autohack

Maximizing Potential
Upgrade one weapon to maximum level.

Faster Than a Speeding Ameoboid
Complete the hoverboard Gold Cup on Riglar in under 1:35

Kalebo Thunder
Complete the hoverboard Gold Cup on Kalebo in under 2:05

Kerwan Gladiator
Complete the Fitness Course on Kerwan in under 70 seconds

BRONZE (30):

Death by Disco
Use the Groovitron on every type of enemy

Trader in Training
Complete your first holocard set

Complete your first raritanium mod

Reach the maximum bolt multiplier in challenge mode

Trade in a set of duplicate holocards for a new one

25 Hidden Bronze Trophies (and nope, they aren’t all story related!)

Ratchet and Clank will release on April 12th for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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