Ubisoft Apologizes For Elite Squad Offensive Imagery
The raised fist symbol will be removed from all versions of the game.
News by Fragnarok on Aug 31, 2020
Tom Clany’s Elite Squad came under fire earlier this week for using imagery commonly associated with Black Power in an insensitive manner. The game’s terrorist organization Umbra uses the iconic raised fist as their logo within the game. Ubisoft has released an official statement that the symbol will be removed from the game during the next update patch:
Imagery that appeared in the opening video sequence of Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad featured a ‘raised fist’ was insensitive and harmful in both its inclusion and how it was portrayed. We have listened to and appreciate the players and the broader community who have pointed it out and we apologize. It will be removed in our next title update this Tuesday, September 1 on Android and as soon as we’re able to on iOS.
-Ubisoft (@Ubisoft) August 30, 2020
The symbol has been linked with past legitimate revolutionary groups that seek to achieve change, even if through extreme means. However, in Elite Squad’s case Umbra is framed as only a front for a more nefarious cause. Continuing to use the raised fist would inadvertently set Ubisoft within a controversial political stance.
Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed
Editor, NoobFeed
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