Hogwarts Legacy Guide | All Demiguise Statue Locations
Here's how you can find all 33 Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 25, 2025
There are 33 Demiguise statues, to be precise, and if you manage to find all of them, you'll earn the Demiguise Dread Achievement. Among all the Demiguise Statues, 3 of them are in the Main Quest no. 25: The Caretaker's Lunar Lament, which you need to complete even before the Demiguise spawns. Keep in mind that the Demiguise statues can only be interacted with at night.
Your Alohamora Spell level will increase when you collect Demiguise Statues. When you have enough, just bring them to Mr. Moon, and he will upgrade your Alohamora Spell in exchange for the Demiguise Statues.
With 9 statues, 13 statues, and 33 statues collected, you will be able to upgrade your Alohamora to Level 2 and Level 3 and earn the Demiguise Dread Achievement, respectively.
Unmissable Statues
You'll find these statues during the Main Quest no.25: The Caretaker's Lunar Lament. You'll complete the quest once you've collected all 3 statues.
The #1 Statue is in The Caretaker's Lament
The #2 Statue is in the Prefects' Bathroom
The #3 Statue is in the Hospital Wing
Hogwarts Demiguise Statues
The #4 Statue is in the South Wing. It is located in a secret room in the locked bathroom by the center toilet.
The #5 Statue is in the Great Hall. It is inside a locked room.
The #6 Statue is in the Astronomy Wing. It is located on the table by the fireplace in Professor Fig's Classroom.
The #7 Statue is also in the Astronomy Wing. It is inside a Level 1 locked door next to the Sleeping Dragon Statue. It is easier to reach when you start from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
The #8 Statue is also in the Astronomy Wing. You'll be able to find it at the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower's ground floor. It is inside a Level 2 Locked Door.
The #9 Statue is in the Bell Tower Wing. It is inside a Level 2 Locked Door near the Beasts Classroom.
The #10 Statue is also in the Bell Tower Wing. It is inside a Level 1 Locked Door near the Bell Tower exit.
The #11 Statue is in the Library Annex. It is on a desk after you climb the hidden ladder in the Divination Classroom.
The #12 Statue is also in the Library Annex. It is located inside a Level 2 Locked Door underneath the Potions Classroom.
The #13 Statue is also in the Library Annex. It is located in the restricted section by the entrance to the library's basement.
The Highlands Demiguise Statues
The #14 Statue is in the South Hogwarts Region. Look for a locked house to the left of the Floo Flame in Aranshire and then go to the second floor.
The #15 Statue is also in the South Hogwarts Region. It is located in the first house close to the Floo Flame in Lower Hogsfield. Look for a Level 1 Locked Door inside the house.
The #16 Statue is in Hogsmeade Valley. It is located inside the house across from the Hamlet Shop in Upper Hogsfield.
The #17 Statue is in North Ford Bog. It is located on the third floor of the house in Pitt-Upon-Ford.
The #18 Statue is in Hogwarts Valley. It is located in a house behind the Hamlet Shop in Keenbridge. Look for a Level 1 Locked Door inside the house.
The #19 Statue is also in Hogwarts Valley. It is located inside a house near the Brocburrow Floo Flame.
The #20 Statue is in Cragcroftshire. It is located inside a house behind the Hamlet Shop in Cragcroft. Go to the second floor of an unlocked house.
The #21 Statue is in Manor Cape. It is located inside a Level 1 Locked Door at the house across from the Hamlet Shop in Bainburgh.
The #22 Statue is in Marunweem Lake. It is located in the kitchen of a house northeast of the Marunweem Floo Flame.
The #23 Statue is also in the Fedelcroft Region. It is located inside the house near the Irondale Floo Flame.
The #24 Statue is also in the Fedelcroft Region. It is located inside the house across the Fedelcroft Floo Flame. Look for Level 2 Locked Door inside the house.
Hogsmeade Demiguise Statues
The #25 Statue is in the Gladrags Wizardwear Store.
The #26 Statue is in the Tombs and Scrolls Store.
The #27 Statue is inside a house due east of North Hogsmeade Floo Flame. A Level 1 Lock is Required for this.
The #28 Statue is inside the backroom of Hog's Head.
The #29 Statue is inside a Level 1 Locked Door across Brood and Peck.
The #30 Statue is on the second floor of the house, northwest of J. Pippins Potions. A Level 2 Lock is required.
The #31 Statue is on the second floor of the house south of Ollivanders.
The #32 Statue is on the top floor of The Three Broomsticks, which is behind a door with a Level 1 Lock.
The #33 Statue is inside the house to the right of The Three Broomsticks.
Also, check our Hogwarts Legacy Review.
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