Overwatch Introducing Role Queue
New Role Queue feature being tested in Overwatch
News by Grayshadow on Jul 18, 2019
One of the biggest toxic battlegrounds in Overwatch is the hero selection. The arguments that have fostered during this selection process is both vexing and funny, with so many YouTube videos showcasing this. In an effort to combat the wait time and encourage more unity among the community a new Role Queue feature is being tested.
During a developer's update director Jeff Kaplan explained the feature being tested in an 18-minute video.
In quick match and competitive, players can choose their preferred roles to ensure that each team has 2 tanks, 2 support, and 2 damage. While slotted, you can select from that group and must leave a match to choose a new role to queue for.
In competitive, players will have an SR rank for each of the categories and wait time; with players needing to now complete 5 matches with each role to earn a placement. In quick play, players will have a matchmaking rating based on each chosen role. In addition, Blizzard is making changes to the meta, with Brigitte receiving a healing boost but reducing her survivability, which may translate to less health.
In addition, this season will be ending early to test the new Role Queue feature for consoles. If you don't want to take part in Role Queue, a classic option will be available in the Arcade selection.
Role Queue is currently available on the public test region on PC, and will be coming to live servers starting with a Role Queue Beta Season in Patch 1.39. In an effort to give time for additional testing and feedback, we’ll be running the two-week Role Queue Beta Season from August 13 to September 1. Players can earn Competitive Points similar to other competitive mini seasons and qualify for Top 500 Leaderboards during the beta season. However, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats. (Note: Competitive Season 17 will be shortened by approximately two weeks in order to accommodate the Role Queue Beta Season.)
Role Queue will be fully available for Quick Play and Competitive Play beginning on September 1 for the start of Competitive Season 18.
Currently, Overwatch's Summer Games 2019 is going on and a new hero is set to release this season. It was confirmed to be a guy but no word on what role he'll play.
Overwatch is now available for PS4, PC, and Xbox One.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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