Resident Evil 4 Guide | How To Unlock All Electronic Lock Terminals

Here’s how you can unlock all Electronic Lock Terminals in Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Jan 27, 2025

There are Electronic Lock Terminal areas in Resident Evil 4, and you might find yourself stuck due to all the puzzles. On three different instances, you will find these terminal puzzles—and they're all equally perplexing. This guide will show you how to unlock all the puzzles.

How To Solve Dissection Electronic Lock Terminal

Resident Evil 4 Guide, How To Solve Dissection Electronic Lock Terminal

Begin by turning the outermost ring three times. After that, turn the center ring two times. Finally, turn the slider all the way to the right and lock it in place. This will restore power to the system and unlock the entry to the Dissection room.

How To Unlock Freezer Electronic Lock Terminal

Resident Evil 4 Guide, How To Unlock Freezer Electronic Lock Terminal

To fix the Electronic Lock Terminal on the freezer, turn the outer ring two times and then the next ring two times. Third, rotate the following ring three times. Turn the innermost ring three times. Move the slider all the way to the right and then confirm it.

How To Unlock Waste Disposal, Electronic Lock Terminal

Resident Evil 4 Guide, How To Unlock Waste Disposal, Electronic Lock Terminal

Start with the outermost ring and rotate the first three rings three times. After you have rotated the innermost ring two times and pushed the slider to the right, lock it in place. Then, work your way inward.

Also check out our Resident Evil 4 Review other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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