Resident Evil 4 Guide | All Chapter 5 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to collect every collectibles available in Chapter 5 of Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 06, 2025

Resident Evil 4 offers many unique items that benefit you throughout the game. Sometimes, it can be challenging to collect the items, so this guide will help you with collecting all the collectibles in Resident Evil 4 Chapter 5.

Item 1: Treasure Yellow Gemstone

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 1: Treasure Yellow Gemstone

As the story begins in the church, you will be on the second floor. Once you are on the second floor, go to the right corner room, where you will see a can. Shoot the can to get the Yellow Gemstone.

Item 2: Treasure Elegant Bangle

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 2: Treasure Elegant Bangle

Head over to Village Square. There, you will spot a barn. Once you get inside the barn, you will spot a chest. Open the chest to get the Elegant Bangle.

Clockwork Castellan 

Head over to Village Chief’s Manor and go to the second floor of this building. There, you will see a puzzle. After you solve the puzzle, a ladder will drop down from the attic. Climb up, and you will see a crate. Break the crate, and behind it will be the Clockwork Castellan.

Item 3: Treasure Antique Camera

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 3: Treasure Antique Camera

Once you are in the attic of Village Chief’s Manor, go to the right, where you have to crouch to get into a tiny space. There, you will see the Antique Camera.

Merchant Request The Savage Mutt

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Merchant Request The Savage Mutt

Head over to the village square; when you enter, the savage mutt will attack you; kill it by shooting it or any of your preferred ways; by doing that, you will finish the savage mutt merchant quest.

Item 4: Treasure Antique Pipe

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 4: Treasure Antique Pipe

Travel to the Farm area. Head northeast of the farm area, and you will see a shrine. To unlock the shrine, you need an old shrine key. Once you open it, you will be rewarded with an antique pipe.

Also check out our Resident Evil 4 Review other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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