Resident Evil 4 Guide | All Chapter 15 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to collect every collectibles available in Chapter 15 of Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 12, 2025

There are 6 total collectibles in Resident Evil 4 Chapter 15. However, it may be challenging to obtain all of the essential items. This guide will aid you in acquiring all the essential materials for Resident Evil 4, Chapter 15.

Item 1: Treasure - Red Beryl

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 1: Treasure - Red Beryl

Although Chapter 15 does not contain as many collectibles as the preceding chapters, it awaits you with an abundance of combat.

The initial collectible is a Red Beryl treasure. It is situated behind a structure, just beyond the ladder. This is the initial section you will encounter, and you will be granted aviation support, which is somewhat peculiar. However, the initial treasure is present.

Item 2: Treasure - Velvet Blue

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 2: Treasure - Velvet Blue

As you progress further into the stronghold segment, you will ascend a ladder. Immediately upon completion, you will observe a silver receptacle suspended above us. It is readily identifiable.

Shoot the object, retrieve it, and proceed to the Cliffside Ruins.

Item 3: Treasure - Staff of Royalty

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 3: Treasure - Staff of Royalty

You have delved significantly deeper into the chapter, with a significant amount of combat interspersed. You will enter the ruins by turning a corner. Drop into a pit and proceed along the path until you reach the end, where you will discover a Staff of Royalty. The Cliffside Ruins will serve as our final Merchant Request mission. You shall return there momentarily.

Merchant Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions 6

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Merchant Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions 6

You are now prepared to execute the final Merchant Request, which entails the destruction of additional blue medallions. Two of them are situated in close proximity. Begin the Blue Medallions quest by traveling a short distance down the road.

Six Blue Medallions

  • Since all six medallions are located in this approximate vicinity, you can eliminate them simultaneously.
  • The initial one is situated higher than you; simply gaze upward. An additional one is situated to the left.
  • There is one more behind you. However, you will need to glance down to locate it. Subsequently, return to the ruins where you acquired the collectible. Before plunging into the pit, proceed behind it and fire an additional blue medallion. Once you descend, you will discover one in an area that is not accessible.
  • To avoid running back to the chest location in the front half of the segment, proceed to the first open window. Four artifacts are situated adjacent to one another.

Clockwork Castellan #15

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Clockwork Castellan #15

In the future, while in Specimen Storage, be cautious of sacks; they may accidentally drop an item. I shall refrain from divulging too much information.

Locate a Clockwork Castellan statue by entering the back chamber and gazing upward.

Item 4: Treasure - Splendid Bangle

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 4: Treasure - Splendid Bangle

After handling the Clockwork Castellan, examine the area behind you to locate a treasure container that contains a Splendid Bangle.

Also, check out our Resident Evil 4 Review other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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