Resident Evil 4 Guide | All Chapter 10 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to collect every collectibles available in Chapter 10 of Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 10, 2025

With Resident Evil 4, you can find a variety of goods that will assist you in progressing through the game. However, gathering everything can be difficult. This guide will help you collect all of the materials you need in Resident Evil 4 Chapter 10.

Merchant Request - Merciless Knight

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Merchant Request - Merciless Knight

In the Grand Hall, go through the left door and pick up the Merchant Request. Then, go back a little ways. To get this order, you need to beat the Gold Knight. For the last Merchant Request, you need to find the third rat in the library. This rat only shows up in Chapter 10 and not in Chapter 9. 

Talk to the Merchant to get your gift after getting rid of all the rats. Now, go through the library, through the grandfather clock door (after setting the time), and down to the puzzle area where the knights woke up before. 

The Gold Knight and two Silver Knights will be ready for you. Hit them where it hurts the most to beat them and finish this Merchant Request. Remember to go back to the Merchant and get your prize. 

Item 2: Weapon - CQBR Assault Rifle

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 2: Weapon - CQBR Assault Rifle

Once you're done with the Gold Knight job, go back to the library and find the back area where Ashley used a lantern to move some bookcases and lower stairs. To get an assault rifle, go up and use the Cubic Device on the box.

Item 3: Treasure - Golden Lynx

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 3: Treasure - Golden Lynx

To get to the upper library, go back to the first floor and take the steps on the northeast side. To get the Golden Lynx, you need to solve the Cube Puzzle, which you couldn't do before without Leon and the Cubic Device.

Item 4: Treasure - Ruby

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 4: Treasure - Ruby

Go back to the Grand Hall and go through the door on the other side that leads to the Ballroom. Go down the stairs and look into a building that looks like a tunnel for a silver canister. To get a Ruby, shoot it down.

Item 5: Treasure - Ornate Beetle

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 5: Treasure - Ornate Beetle

Take the backside of the stairs to the end of the road from where you got the Ruby. Watch out for flying enemies in this area. There, you can find the ornate Beetle.

Item 6: Treasure - Elegant Crown

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 6: Treasure - Elegant Crown

Once you've solved the problem with the two levers, keep going down until you reach a new area. If you go around the back, you'll find a treasure box with the Elegant Crown inside. This thing is necessary for a trophy that needs to sell for more than 100,000 pecetas,

Item 7: Treasure - Red Beryl

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 7: Treasure - Red Beryl

After the next cave, keep going until you reach the Merchant. On the left, there is a box and some electrical gear. Find a Red Beryl by looking up.

Item 8: Clockwork Castellan #10

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 8: Clockwork Castellan #10

There is a Clockwork Castellan sitting on a ledge in the depths. Shoot it to get it.

Item 9: Treasure - Yellow Diamond

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 9: Treasure - Yellow Diamond

As the chapter goes on, after you fix the elevator's power, an enemy will start chasing you. Keep going and look to your left for a gate. Enter, keep going forward, and at the end, open a box to find a Yellow Diamond.

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Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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