Resident Evil 4 Guide | All Chapter 11 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to collect every collectibles available in Chapter 11 of Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 10, 2025

With Resident Evil 4, you can find a number of items to help you progress through the game. However, getting everything can be challenging. This guide will help you gather all of the materials required in Resident Evil 4 Chapter 11.

Item 1: Treasure - Sapphire

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 1: Treasure - Sapphire

Chapter 11 begins with a new Merchant and a new shooting range. You can achieve your S+ ranks on the third set right now or later. 

For the first treasure in the mines, enter the section with two staircases. The left one leads to the control room, and the right one leads to a hanging canister. Shoot the container to get the Sapphire. 

Item 2: Treasure - Golden Hourglass

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 2: Treasure - Golden Hourglass

Cross the bridge and then pull the lever. This is an important portion of the plot because it leads to the Dynamite essential piece. 

While you wait for the bridge to completely drop, take an opportunity to loot the area. Once you've crossed, the Dynamite is in the chamber on your left. Before grabbing it, go to the little nook on the right and get the Golden Hourglass. 

Trophy: Hope You Like Thrill Rides (Part 1)

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Trophy: Hope You Like Thrill Rides (Part 1)

A minecart ride is approaching, and completing both segments without suffering damage will grant you the "Hope You Like Thrill Rides" trophy. The minecart's health is displayed in the lower right corner. If you take any damage, reload the auto-save instantly. 

Tip: Lean left and right when the cart lifts off the track. 

  • Shoot yellow discs to change tracks. 
  • Destroy any impediments that stand in your way. 
  • Eliminate adversaries before they can shoot or harm the cart. 
  • There is no chapter selector, so save at the typewriter before beginning. 

Item 3: Treasure - Flagon

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 3: Treasure - Flagon

After the first minecart stretch, you will come to a stopover place. You can gather two items here: a treasure and a Clockwork Castellan. The flagon is inside the home. The Clockwork Castellan is positioned above—look up when inside the house.

Trophy: Hope You Like Thrill Rides (Part 2)

The second minecart portion is similar to the first, except it contains more adversaries, including a chainsaw-wielding mini-boss. Maintain concentration and continue to eliminate hazards before they may cause damage to the cart. Once accomplished, you will receive the award.

Merchant Request: Insect Hive

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Merchant Request: Insect Hive

When you reach the Hive area, you will receive a merchant request to destroy four hives. 

  • Hive 1/4: Stand outdoors, gaze up, and shoot. 
  • Hive 2/4: Follow the cave system to get a better angle, then shoot. 
  • Item 4: Treasure - Gold Bar

Take a detour before continuing with the hives. Follow the path and fire the explosive barrel. 

The gold bar is located behind it. 

Hives 3/4 and 4/4

Continue into the underground system, destroying the remaining hives.

Also check out our Resident Evil 4 Review other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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