Resident Evil 4 Guide | All Chapter 8 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to collect every collectibles available in Chapter 8 of Resident Evil 4.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 08, 2025

With Resident Evil 4, you can find a lot of different items that can help you move forward in the game. That being said, it can be hard to get everything. This guide will help you get all the items you need in Chapter 8 of Resident Evil 4.

Item 1: Crimson Lantern

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 1: Crimson Lantern

Once you are in the wine cellar, you will come across a lot of enemies. All you have to do is defeat them, as one of them is carrying the Crimson Lantern; once the enemy is defeated, they will drop the item, so pick it up.

Item 2: Treasure Mirror With Pearl and Ruby

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 2: Treasure Mirror With Pearl and Ruby

In the same area as the Crimson Lantern, on the wine cellar's second floor, you will notice a table with a chest on top of it; inside that chest, you will find the Mirror.

Item 3: Treasure Extravagant Clock

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 3: Treasure Extravagant Clock

Head over to the Bindery. Before going in, you need to solve the Four-tile puzzle. Once you enter the room next to a suit of armor, you will find the Extravagant Clock inside a treasure box.

Item 4: Small Key

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 4: Small Key

Once you have grabbed the Extravagant Clock in the Bindery, follow the exit path and go into the small room. There, you will find the Small Key.

Item 5: Brass Pocket Watch

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 5: Brass Pocket Watch

Backtrack to the Bindery. You will notice a Locked Chest. Open the chest with the small key to get the Brass Pocket Watch.

Item 6: Treasure Ornate Necklace

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 6: Treasure Ornate Necklace

Once you are in the Castle Battlements, after pulling the third lever, follow the path that opens up. When you come across the room with the ladder, go right, and you will find the Ornate Necklace inside a treasure box.

Item 7: Treasure Emerald

Once you are done getting the Ornate Necklace, head over to the castle right beside it. On the roof of that castle, you will find the Emerald.

Clockwork Castellan

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Clockwork Castellan

After getting the Emerald in the same place where you have the Clockwork Castellan, head down with the help of the ladder, and to your left, you will see the Clockwork Castellan.

Item 8: Treasure Ruby

Resident Evil 4 Guide, Item 8: Treasure Ruby

Now, after getting the Clockwork Castellan, drop down where you might get ambushed by enemies. You will see an opened door, so go through that door and pull the lever. Once you do that, drop down, and you will see another opened door. Inside that room, you will find the ruby hanging up in a silver can.

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Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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