Black Desert First Co-op Dungeon Atoraxxion Launches this Summer

New cooperative dungeon Atoraxxion comes to Black Desert

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 02, 2021

Black Desert is getting a new update this summer, adding a co-op dungeon called Atoraxxion this summer.

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

This update will come to all versions of the game and will release in 4 segments, each with harder challenges. The first part will be a desert theme.

Atoraxxion is the game’s first co-op dungeon, requiring players to work together to solve various puzzles scattered across the map, face different combinations of Ancient Weapons and enemies, and navigate special obstacles throughout the dungeon. Although Atoraxxion is a dungeon, its size is almost comparable to a region. 

Atoraxxion is divided into four parts and planned for release in the following order: desert, ocean, canyon, and forest: The dungeon’s difficulty will increase with each release, and will differ slightly for each player’s server or platform. Players on the fast-growth Elvia Realm servers will face a higher difficulty, while players on all other servers will have a normal difficulty. Console players will also receive the normal difficulty level. 

As for in-game lore, Atoraxxion was built by the “Sage of the Past,” Rux Maha Dehkia, as a base to build an army of Ancient Weapons to repel the Black Spirit. The Last Stronghold includes a facility to test Ancient Weapons’ combat capabilities in a variety of environments to be prepared for any situation. Watch the latest developer diary for more information on the history of Atoraxxion.

You can check out more images of the upcoming dungeon below.

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

Black Desert,NoobFeed,Atoraxxion,

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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