Alone in the Dark Guide | All Chapter 2 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to get all the Chapter 2 Collectibles in Alone in the Dark.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Mar 03, 2025

In Chapter 2 of Alone in the Dark, you can get 20 collectibles, including Clues, Lagniappes, Locks, and Conversations. Collecting these items will help you with the game's narrative. This is a guide on how to find all collectibles.

Alone in the Dark Guide, Gameplay, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Clue #1: Repair the Boiler

To enter the Clerk's Office, use Baptiste's key set; the clue is on a table inside. 

Clue #2: Broken Plates

Located on the floor at the entrance of the Clerk's Office.

Clue #3: Staff and Patient Directory

Located on a desk in the Clerk's office. 

Lagniappe #4: Rorschach

It is on a bookcase in the back of the room off Clerk's Office.

Clue #5: Patient Files

On the bookshelf above the safe in the Clerk's Office.

Lock #6: Clerk's Office Safe 

To retrieve the Lagniappe, open the safe with the combination 9 Left > 1 Right > 3 Left. 

Clue #7: Emily is Here

It’s in Jeremy's room (second floor) and found on a table inside the room. 

Lagniappe #8: Fountain Pen

It’s in Batiste's Room (second floor), on a desk inside the room. 

Clue #9: I Must Return

It’s in Perosi's Room (second floor). It’s on the bed in the middle of the room, but it requires a key from the Clerk's Office. 

Clue #10: Perosi's Journal

It’s in Perosi's Room (second floor), on a couch beneath the bed. It requires a key from the Clerk's office. 

Lock #11: Perosi's Room Zodiac Lock

It’s in Perosi's Room (second floor). The correct combination is Pisces > Libra > Taurus. 

Clue #12: Lost Plantations in Louisiana.

It’s in the Library (first floor), on a table. 

Conversation with Ruth (Emily Only)

Alone in the Dark Guide, Conversation with Ruth (Emily Only)

Library (first floor). Speak to Ruth three times to exhaust her dialogue. 

Lagniappe #14: Mummified Cat

After speaking with an NPC in the garden, the collectible appears on a bench. 

Hint #15: Pieces of Plate

On a chair in the room of Boiler Room (ground floor).

Clue #16: Oil Rig Report

After entering the dream realm, find it on a table inside the house to the right in Batiste's Room.

Lock # 17: Boathouse Bolted Door

After you have fixed the bridge, unbolt the door inside the boathouse in Dream World (Boat House).

Lagniappe # 18: Discarded Palette

After repairing the bridge, proceed upstairs, squeeze through a crack on the right, and locate the collectible on the other side in Dream World (Upper Floor).

Lagniappe #19: Gazing Statuette

After breaking the red barrier, proceed around the back of the building on the left, squeeze through a crevice, and open the door to discover the collectible inside Dream World (Building with a Red Barrier).

Clue #20: Reflections on the Power of Verbs in Certain Text

Loot the satchel on the ground when you return to the mansion in the small parlor (first floor).

Also check out our Alone in the Dark Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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