11-11: Memories Retold Announced by Aardman, DigixArt, and Bandai Namco
11-11: Memories Retold is an emotional game set during World War 1
News by Grayshadow on Apr 25, 2018
Today, Bandai Namco announced a new narrative-driven game set in World War 1 called 11-11: Memories Retold.
In development by DigixArt, a French developer who made Lost in Harmony back in 2016 for iOS devices, and Aardman, a British animation studio known for stop-motion animation, best known for Wallace & Gromit shorts.
DigixArt Game Director Yoan Fanise had the following to say about the game:
“11-11: Memories Retold is a very special game at many levels. From the painted style to the emotional journey we create for the player to revive their heritage, we are pushing the boundaries of what a game can be and hope it will leave a mark on you.”
11-11 Memories Retold is currently without a release date or window, but we do know it will be available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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