Darksiders III Latest Footage Shows the Wrath Boss in Action
Fury showing off her insane power
News by Grayshadow on Jul 18, 2018
Darksiders II had some incredible bosses and the developers of Darksiders III are looking to recapture those same intense fights in its sequel. In a first look provided by IGN we get to see Fury taking down a Wrath.
The Wrath is a giant beast with dual swords and the ability to manipulate fire. Fury isn't intimidated as she cuts down the creature with ease using his powerful whip.
The other footage shown provides an 11-minute walkthrough of Fury solving puzzles, exploring, and purchasing items from Vulgrim. The series' shopkeeper.
Darksiders III launches for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 27th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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