Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Guide | How To Level Up Fast
The best and the fastest ways to level up every stat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Game Guide by Arne on Feb 07, 2025
In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, leveling up is the primary way Henry gets stronger, yet there is no real main stat that achieves this. For example, Henry's main level is just a measure of the four other primary stats and serves only to mark your progress.
You earn XP by using a certain skill over and over. Basically, you are doing something and making yourself better at it. So, if you use a specific weapon, your combat proficiency with that weapon type increases. If you ride your horse, it increases horsemanship; if you go around shooting people, your marksmanship increases, and so on and so forth. Certain skills are easier to train; others are basically obscure and take way longer than that.
There are also a few other ways to get some XP; for instance, in the first Kingdom Come: Deliverance game, you can read books or pay a skilled practitioner to get some XP in a certain skill area. Most skills can be easily leveled up by repeating tasks over and over, but this isn't always the case. They can definitely be easily leveled in the early game through this repetition.
However, if you are looking to level up the main level through some form of grinding, you're out of your depth since it's really unfeasible to do that. Theoretically, you can grind some of the other main stats to achieve this or just complete main quests, but even then, it's really not worth it for the grind. Instead, focus on the other stats, and you'll get your main stat leveled up naturally.
Additionally, remember that every skill affects another skill in a way. For example, Scholarship, one of the harder stats to level up, affects Speech and Stealth, which in turn will affect Agility. So, a lot of the time, focusing on the other miscellaneous stats.
The best ways to level up the main stats
The four main stats are Strength, Agility, Vitality & Speech.
It is one of the harder stats to farm since, beyond training at the Mill or from a few other trainers, you can't really grind it. The main way of grinding it is through combat. Here, the most effective way is using the heaviest weapon available to you or the one that requires the most strength.
Additionally, wearing heavy armor seems to significantly boost it too. Finally, if you're carrying a lot of things and either exceeding or almost exceeding your carrying capacity, you'll be able to get a few levels every few fights.
If you are carrying around lots of things and are encumbered, ensure that you are outside a settlement while doing so. Additionally, you can get yourself the leg day perk, giving you a small boost to Strength XP gain while collecting herbs but personally, I do not see the value in it.
Please note that carrying around bodies or sacks does not increase your strength.
For Agility, a lot of it is the opposite of Strength; Agility is primarily increased by using weapons that require Agility to perform. The higher that stat, the better the gain. Usually, these are smaller, finesse weapons that are one-handed.
If you dodge more than you parry or just basically dodging enemies all the time, you'll also gain bonus XP. Finally, you'll also mainly gain XP in Agility by sneaking around, especially in restricted areas, and killing people while in stealth.
Vitality is actually pretty straightforward to gain, even though it remains on the harder side of grinding. The most basic way of increasing it is by running absolutely everywhere you go. Always sprint like a gremlin. Similarly, jump around, and you'll increase Vitality very slowly. Slowly is the very light word here, as you'll be doing it at a snail's pace.
It's a constant and slow process, and it's better to boost it with other things, such as carrying more load or taking damage and surviving. Books and Trainers are also always an option here.
This one is rather simple. Just speak to people. But there's a catch: You can't just repeat conversations, so the greyed-out ones don't count. Additionally, reading books will also help with this.
The highest amount received is from passed skill checks, so always try to get those. A good way to grind it is by haggling. Always haggle with people, no matter how miniscule the amount is.
Fastest ways to level up the other skills
Now, this one is a bit obvious: Create things at the Alchemy Bench. However, that is often a tedious process. Your best bet here is to focus on gathering herbs from the world around you and mainly crafting Saviour Schnapps and Marigold Decorations since they're always very useful.
The primary way you increase and level up this is by using the Smithy and Grindstone. Basically, repairing what you have on you increases your Craftsmanship. You can also wash your clothes to slightly get some XP for it, so be sure to have some soap with you.
Finally, using toolkits is also a great way of increasing Craftsmanship, particularly if and when you are swimming in money. On another note, if you get the Keen Eye perk, you can get some XP into Craftsmanship by watching people repair your things.
Another relatively simple one is just drinking a lot of alcohol. This naturally includes a lot of the buffing potions as well as things like Schnapps and Decorations.
You basically have to interact with Mutt and use him a lot. It's pretty straightforward and very easy to grind. Remember to feed him, hunt with him, and so on.
Scholarship is one of the harder skills to level up, but it provides some of the best perks in the game. You should focus on reading a lot of books and exploring and unlocking codex entries to increase Scholarship.
Two main ways of leveling up stealth are via sneaking around in towns and pickpocketing people or lockpicking things. However, if you are the pious kind, go around sneaking into enemy bandit camps, stalk them, and kill them.
The best way to increase your Survival stat is to go around and collect herbs. If you are out in the wilderness, be sure to try to find natural spots, such as bird nests, hunting spots, and so on.
You can increase thievery by going around pickpocketing and lockpicking things. A good way to gain it is by stealing high-value items or just doing it often. Speaking to millers and doing their quests or otherwise getting trained by them helps increase the stat as well.
This one is simple, ride around on your horse, go to different places, and fight bandits while on horseback. A good trick is to travel fast and constantly between two points, as you're bound to encounter a few bandits along the way.
The best ways to level up your combat skills
This is the main branch for all combat activities and increases as you fight. You should use a variety of weapons and combat mechanics to increase this.
Use swords, very self-explanatory. You gain more XP when you perform things like Riposte and combos, so be sure to chain those often.
Heavy Weapons
Use big weapons like maces to increase it. The bigger, the better. You also gain higher XP when performing advanced actions with them.
The hardest and most unreliable weapon type, but it is still relevant since it helps with Warfare. Same as before, use Polearms.
Brawl with people with your fists. Better done with the minor quest that takes you in a fight club-esque scenario with lots of unarmed fights.
You should use ranged weapons like Bows, Crossbows, and the Pistole rifle often. You can also just do a lot of archery tournaments.
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