Phoenix Wright HD Trilogy delayed for iOS, due July

Objection! Delayed again.

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 25, 2013

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy HD won’t be arriving on iOS devices this month. Instead the game has been delayed again and will be releasing this July. On the official Capcom forums the Senior VP Christian Svensson said “For reasons unknown to me, the release has slid another several months to July. Sorry guys.”.

When the free download application arrives it’ll feature both Ace Attorney Justice for All and Trails and Tribulations, but will include purchasable games within it. Also included will be a mode called Everybody Object where allows you to tweet and email Phoenix Wright catchphrases using sound files and animated tweets. 

Source: Capcom

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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