Final Fantasy XVI Guide | How To Get The Ancient Sword

A complete guide on how to get the Ancient Sword in Final Fantasy XVI.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 31, 2024

Although the vast majority of the most powerful weapons in Final Fantasy XVI can only be gained through the process of crafting, there are some weapons that can be obtained from treasure boxes. Despite the fact that there are a great number of treasure chests scattered across Valisthea, those who are hunting for the chest that contains the Ancient Sword may have a difficult time finding it. This is because it is very simple to overlook, particularly if they do not complete the Live and Let Live side quest. 

A Guide to Get the Ancient Sword 

Final Fantasy XVI Guide, A Guide to Get the Ancient Sword

In order to get the Ancient Sword, you must first complete Out of the Shadow, which is the thirty-second main quest in Final Fantasy XVI. Following this, the main mission known as "Onward" begins, and you are tasked with traveling to Boklad, a new province located in the northeastern corner of The Dhalmekian Republic. After you have successfully acquired access to this place, you can then begin your search for the Ancient Sword. 

If you have already activated the Boklad Obelisk, you will be able to go there in a short amount of time and then proceed southward into The Steps of the Forgotten. Instead of leaving this location, you should make your way to the center and then turn right so that you are facing southwest. 

At this point, he will be confronted with a little hill that he can ascend; when he gets closer to the wall at the top, he will be prompted to enter a new location. Those of you who have completed the Live and Let Live side quest ought to be familiar with this location; nonetheless, it is possible that you have missed the treasure chest that contains the Ancient Sword. 

When you have successfully climbed this wall, you will see a treasure chest immediately ahead of you. Having a conversation with it will result in the acquisition of the Ancient Sword, which is one of the hidden weapons in Final Fantasy XVI. 

Why Ancient Sword Is Important

The Ancient Sword has an amazing 252 Attack and 252 Stagger, falling only 16 points short of the Excalibur sword. It is a good substitute for Excalibur if players have yet to obtain it, although it is still somewhat weak in terms of power, particularly during the Onward main quest.

Also, check our Final Fantasy XVI Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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