Final Fantasy XVI Guide | How To Beat Morbol

Here's everything you need to know on how to beat the most aggravated and threatening boss in Final Fantasy XVI.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Jan 15, 2025

Morbol is probably the most intimidating boss in Final Fantasy XVI, which is comprised of a merciless strike attack and is afflicted with different status conditions. The giant plant will need preparation, knowledge of his attack patterns, and the right techniques put together in order to outmaneuver him. Here are some important tips that will make fighting Morbol smooth.

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Battle Preparation

Preparation will definitely be needed to survive a fight against him since all of his strikes may be devastating if he is not well-equipped. Equip Clive properly before entering the duel. Opt for equipment that grants resistance to different status conditions, like Poison, which is a common disease he causes. 

Having Antidotes and High Potions in stores will make getting back from the negative buffs much easier. Upgrade your equipment with items that raise overall defense and health because this battle may be one of those that test your tolerance to damage.

For Eikon, take those with AoE damage and high mobility. Examples include Garuda's skills, Wicked Wheel, and Gouge, which work just perfectly to harass Morbol from a long distance while repositioning quickly. 

Ifrit's Heatwave and Phoenix's Rising Flames will also be good at inflicting substantial damage, more so as Morbol is in a weak state after some of his strikes. Also, remember to use your skills to make quick counterattacks and to stun Morbol where possible.

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Understanding Morbol's Attacks

Winning this will require you to be aware of Morbol's patterns of attacks. Morbol relies heavily on its size and status effects to take you down. Bad Breath is one of the most dangerous skills—a wide-ranged attack that unleashes a noxious cloud of gas. The said attack inflicts many status conditions, such as Poison, Slow, and Blind, among others, which make this one of the most dangerous skills in this fight. 

Always keep your distance whenever Morbol readies up for it. Once you see the telltale signs of the said skill, quickly sidestep or fall back in order to get out of the range of the cloud. If you are within the area of effect, immediately pop up some antidotes to prevent the Poison from piling up and overwhelming you. 

Another major attack to watch out for is Morbol's Tentacle Slam: Morbol raises his huge tentacles and smashes them onto the ground, creating a very powerful area-of-effect attack. Morbol telegraphs this by lifting his tentacles for a brief moment before doing so, in which you can dodge or reposition yourself. 

You should not try to get close to Morbol when he starts charging up the attack because this tentacle slam has a wide radius and will catch you off guard if you fail to move fast enough. Morbol also does several smaller vine attacks in the direction of Clive's position. These are weaker, but they could potentially distract or stun you. They are easier to dodge but are very often followed up with one of the more dangerous attacks, so stay alert and focus on dodging the more major hits.

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Putting the Strategy to Practice

Now that you have identified Morbol's attack patterns, you will need to develop a strategy that reduces your risks and maximizes your damage. Given its large size and somewhat slow movements, Morbol is one of the most impeccable targets for a stagger strategy; hence, all the focus should be on increasing the said stagger through constant AoEs. Try not to be too focused on single-target damage, as the use of such will only drive you to lower efficiency in whittling down Morbol. 

When Morbol starts charging Bad Breath, move around. Actually, it is a good idea that you keep track of your position and maintain an average distance from it so you can dodge and retreat if necessary. Immediately after dodging the Bad Breath, take advantage of the opening and close the gap by hitting him with some strong blows. Pay attention to Morbol's Tentacle Slam and prepare yourself to dodge, use the Eikon skills to do just that, or counter during the small window after his strike.

Throughout the battle, pay great attention to the management of your resources. Having some healing items and status-curing potions on hand will surely help you prolong your stand in combat. If you use any Eikon powers, make sure you time them correctly because such abilities can turn the tide of combat, especially when Morbol is defenseless after some strong strike. 

Final Fantasy XVI Guide, PC, Gameplay, How To Beat Morbol, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Ending the Battle

Defeating Morbol requires patience, time, and strategy. While the fight is going on, be cool and try to stay away each time it is possible, but at the same time, try not to miss a single possibility of attacking close. When his health starts to get low, his attacks may reach frantic proportions, but if you continue to keep calm and not abandon your strategy, victory is close. Knowing what Morbol does and how to react to status effects is key to overcoming this tough encounter.

Also, check our Final Fantasy XVI Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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