God of War Ragnarök | The Applecore 100% Completion Guide

All the collectibles in The Applecore in chronological order, essential for trophies and 100% completion.

Game Guide by 4l4m19 on  Dec 19, 2024

The Applecore in God of War Ragnarök features 14 collectible locations essential for trophies and 100% completion. This guide will take you through all the collectibles in The Applecore in chronological order. All necessary items for completion are included.

The Applecore: All Collectible & Locations

Collectibles Overview

  • Nornir Chests: 2
  • Legendary Chests: 2
  • Lore: 3
  • Artifacts: 3
  • Buried Treasure: 1
  • Odin's Ravens: 1
  • Yggdrasil Rifts: 1
  • Draugr Holes: 1

During your initial visit to this area, certain skills required to access some collectibles won't yet be available.

How to enter The Applecore after Story:

To revisit The Applecore after completing the story, you'll need to backtrack since most collectibles aren't accessible during your first visit. Start by fast-traveling to the Mystic Gateway in the Aurvangar Wetlands. From the portal, head left to locate the Ferry. Use the Ferry to travel to Sverd Sands island, where you'll find an elevator that leads down to The Applecore. This route retraces your steps from the story, essentially taking you back to the point where you exited The Applecore during the main storyline. Note that these instructions won't apply during the story itself; you'll need to return after completing it.

#1 – Lore (Treasure Map – Demise of Dagestr)

Once you've entered The Applecore using the elevator from Sverd Sands, proceed down the tunnel until you spot a wall on the right with the wind blowing out of it. You'll encounter two enemies in this area as well. Throw a spear into the wind in the wall, which will allow you to climb up and find the lore on the ground. The spear is unlocked automatically as part of the story.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Treasure Map, Demise of Dagestr

#2 – Nornir Chest

From the lore, climb up to the left to reach the Nornir Chest. To unlock it, you'll need to throw the spear at three glyph seals and detonate them simultaneously. The first two seals are located opposite the chest, hanging in the air. The third seal is to the right of the chest. Climb to the top of the rocks, then turn around and look back toward the chest to spot it. Once all three seals are detonated with the spear, the chest will be ready to open.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Nornir Chest

#3 – Artifact (Kvasir's Poems – Sanguinity)

After opening the Nornir Chest, climb back down and head to the end of the area. Then, throw another spear in the wall to climb up. Once at the top, turn left and use the spear to blow up the rubble. Behind the rubble, you'll find the Artifact on the floor, marked as a purple item.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Artifact Kvasir's Poems, Sanguinity

#4 – Odin's Raven

Behind the Artifact, follow the path to its end and look up at the ceiling to spot a grappling point. Interact to swing across. Afterward, climb down the golden chain. In the next room, you'll face a Troll boss named "Miklimunnr." Once you've defeated him, crouch through the tunnel at the back of the room. This will take you into another room with a red resource chest. Exit through the gate on the right, and you'll see the Raven directly in front of you.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Odins Raven

#5 – Artifact (Things Left Behind – Durinn's Stone Statue)

From the Raven, climb along the path to the right, open the gate, and drop down directly ahead. Use a green arrow to shoot the soundstone, which will reveal a purple-glowing Artifact.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Artifact Things Left Behind, Durinns Stone Statue

#6 – Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark)

Enter the door to the right of the Artifact to initiate a Draugr Hole fight. Defeat the miniboss to mark this "Draugr Hole" as completed.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Draugr Hole, Chaos Spark

#7 – Legendary Chest (Fortified Frost Knob – Axe Attachment)

In the same room as the Draugr Hole miniboss, there's a chest on the right side. Open it after clearing out the room.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Legendary Chest, Fortified Frost Knob, Axe Attachment

#8 – Buried Treasure (Treasure Map – Mining Glory)

After opening the Legendary Chest, exit the room and climb back up on the left. Turn right and use the grappling hook on the ceiling to swing across. At the first opportunity, drop down to the right. Follow the mine tracks as they spiral downward to the bottom of the area. The treasure will be located at the end of the tracks on the right, near the river where you used the boat during the story.

For the treasure to appear, you must first collect the Treasure Map. This map is a Lore Scroll collectible found in Svartalfheim > Nidavellir (Nidavellir Collectibles: #6 Lore – Treasure Map: Mining Glory). It will be automatically acquired when working toward 100% completion in Nidavellir. After obtaining the Treasure Map, backtrack here, and the treasure will glow gold on the ground. Remember, the Treasure Map is always required for the treasure to spawn.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Buried Treasure, Treasure Map, Mining Glory

#9 – Lore (Lore Marker – Cooperation)

Go to the left side of the treasure, break the wooden barricade at the end of the path and you'll reveal the lore.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Lore, Lore Marker, Cooperation

#10 – Lore (Rune Read – The Vault)

Return to where the treasure was buried. From there, sprint toward the river to automatically jump over it. Follow the path behind you until you reach the water wheel puzzle. Freeze the water with your axe so that it flows into the lower waterway. This will unlock the grappling hook in the middle, allowing you to swing over. Afterward, turn left and shoot a green arrow at the wall to reveal blue lore letters. This spot is right next to the blacksmith shop, essentially where you first entered The Applecore during the story. You've likely already collected this one during the main storyline.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Lore Rune Read, The Vault

#11 – Artifact (Things Left Behind – Althjof's Statue)

Backtrack all the way to the treasure, then retrace your steps up the spiral mine path. Once at the top, cross the bridge (if it's blocked by rubble, climb up and throw a spear at the red explosive vase). At the end of the bridge, squeeze through a gap to enter the next area. Swing left, climb up, and exit through the large gate (defeat any enemies that spawn first). After passing through the gate, turn left to find a purple-glowing artifact. This is also the route you'll take to return to Jarnsmida Pitmines.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Artifact Things Left Behind, Althjof's Statue

#12 – Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm + Gale Spark)

To the right of the Artifact, throw a spear at the wind in the wooden beams to create a way to climb up. Once you're at the top, turn left, and you'll spot the Yggdrasil Rift. Inside, you'll find a Lyndwyrm for the "The Lost Lindwyrms" Favor. To access it, you must have already accepted the favor from the Squirrel at Sindri's house, who gives you the Lindwyrm Trap. Without the trap, you won't be able to pull the wyrm from the Rift. This favor becomes available after completing Main Mission 09: Word of Fate, but you won't be able to access this area until you have the spear from Main Mission 10, so you should already have it. Once you've pulled out the Lindwyrm, interact with the Rift a second time to mark it as completed.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Yggdrasil Rift Lindwyrm, Gale Spark

#13 – Nornir Chest

In the same area as the Yggdrasil Rift, to the right side, you'll need to throw the spear at three glyph seals and detonate them simultaneously. The first seal is located to the right of the chest, behind some water in the distance. It's tricky to spot, but you should notice a blue shimmer through the water, and when aiming at it, the reticle will change. The second seal is to the left of the chest, where the Rift was. You'll need to throw your axe at an explosive vase to clear the rubble before the glyph becomes visible. The third seal is on the path in the middle, near a Mystic Gateway. Once you've located all three, blow them up to open the chest.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Nornir Chest

#14 – Legendary Chest (Banahogg Knob – Axe Attachment)

This one is actually located in the Jarnsmida Pitmines region but counts toward The Applecore. From the Nornir Chest, pass through the big gate past the Mystic Gateway. In the next room, climb down the tunnel on the left (defeat any enemies that spawn first). Follow the linear path until you see the light at the end of the tunnel (in the Jarnsmida Pitmines region). Just before the tunnel exit, you'll find a blue altar on the left. Interact with it to open the rock wall, revealing the legendary chest behind it. To interact with the altar, you'll need the Chisel, which automatically unlocks in the story.

God of War Ragnarok, The Applecore, Completion Guide, Legendary Chest, Banahogg Knob, Axe Attachment

This concludes the full list of collectibles available in The Applecore area of God of War Ragnarök.

Also, check our God of War Ragnarök reviewGod of War Ragnarök: Valhalla review and other guides below:

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