God of War Ragnarök | The Forge 100% Completion Guide
All the collectibles in The Forge in chronological order, essential for trophies and 100% completion.
Game Guide by 4l4m19 on Dec 17, 2024
The Forge in God of War Ragnarök features 9 collectible locations essential for trophies and 100% completion. This guide will take you through all the collectibles in The Forge in chronological order. All necessary items for completion are included.
Myrkr Tunnels: All Collectible & Locations
Collectibles Overview
- Nornir Chests: 1
- Legendary Chests: 1
- Lore: 2
- Artifacts: 1
- Odin's Ravens: 2
- Yggdrasil Rifts: 2
During your initial visit to this area, certain skills required to access some collectibles won't yet be available.
#1 – Odin's Raven
To return to The Forge after completing the story, use fast travel to the Mystic Gateway at Svartalfheim > Nidavellir Beach, which unlocks automatically during the story. From there, take the small train that goes up the hill, leading you to The Forge. Once the train ride is over, you'll notice a raven flying on the right side. It follows a consistent circular path. Stand in a spot where you can see it flying toward you and throw your axe to hit it while it's in midair.
#2 – Artifact (Things Left Behind – Bari's Grenade)
In the same area as the artifact, climb back up and head straight across to a small side area on the right with a green heart drawn on a stone. You'll find the Nornir chest there. To unlock it, use a spear to hit the three small totems in the area and detonate them all at the same time (requires the spear obtained during story progression). Throw the spears and detonate them. If they aren't destroyed simultaneously, they will respawn. The first totem is on the rocks to the left of the chest. The second is also to the left but further away. Head to the cliff's edge and look for it on a mountaintop about a few yards away. The third totem is visible from the wall where the artifact was, near the Raven's original location.
#3 – Nornir Chest
In the same area as the artifact, climb back up and head straight across to a small side area on the right with a green heart drawn on a stone. You’ll find the Nornir chest there. To unlock it, use a spear to hit the three small totems in the area and detonate them all at the same time (requires the spear obtained during story progression). Throw the spears with detonate them. If they aren’t destroyed simultaneously, they will respawn. The first totem is on the rocks to the left of the chest. The second is also to the left but further away, Head to the cliff’s edge and look for it on a mountaintop about few yards away. The third totem is visible from the wall where the artifact was, near the raven’s original location.
#4 – Yggdrasil Rift
From the Nornir Chest, head to the end of the area and squeeze through the hole where a Dreki boss fight occurred during the story. The Yggdrasil Rifts appear here later in the game as part of the story progression and won't be accessible on your first visit. Defeat the enemies that spawn from the Rift, then interact with it again to close it.
#5 – Lore (Scroll – Dear Overseer)
From the Rift, pass through the rocks at the far end of the area. Take a right and climb the first wall on your right, marked with white paint. At the top, you'll find a small dwarven hut and a lore scroll can be found lying on the ground in front of it.
#6 – Lore (Rune Read – The Forge)
The area where you collected the previous lore is the same. Go to the gate on the left side. You'll see a blue sentence written on the wall.
#7 – Legendary Chest (Atlas Eruption – Heavy Runic Attack)
From the lore scroll, go through the gate, and you'll reach the area where the geyser puzzle was solved during the story. To progress, throw your axe at the geyser on the hill to the right to freeze it, which will lower the elevator. Step into the elevator, then recall your axe to raise it. The legendary chest is behind a locked gate. If you're visiting after the story, you can simply climb the left wall to get behind it. On your first visit, however, you'll need to climb the right wall to freeze the first geyser again, then instruct your companion to pull the lever to shut the second geyser.
#8 – Odin's Raven
Inside the main Forge area, where you acquire the Spear weapon during the story, the Raven can be found sitting on the left wall. To return here after the story, use the same large lift you took with Brok earlier. There's a lever in front of the lift. Interact with it to call it to your location.
#9 – Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm + Gale Spark)
Climb the wall where the Raven was perched (you'll need to detonate a spear at the wall first to create a path). Follow the path until you come to a gap you must squeeze through. Right after that, throw two spears at the walls with winding patterns and climb up. The Rift is located after using both spears to climb. Inside, you'll find a Lyndwyrm for "The Lost Lindwyrms" Favor.
To pull the wyrm out of the Rift, you must have accepted the favor from the Squirrel at Sindri's house, who gives you the Lindwyrm Trap. Without it, you won't be able to extract the wyrm. The favor becomes available after Main Mission 09: Word of Fate, but you won't be able to access this area until you've obtained the spear from Main Mission 10, so you should already have it. After retrieving the Lindwyrm, interact with the Rift again to mark it as complete.
This concludes the full list of collectibles available in the Forge area of God of War Ragnarök.
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