Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways Guide | All Village Treasures Locations
Here's how you can find all Village Treasures in Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways DLC.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Feb 13, 2025
Ada Wong is able to obtain 15 treasures throughout the Village in Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways DLC. These treasures can be sold to the Merchant for Pesetas, and some of them support gemstone inlay to increase their price. The guide shows step-by-step methods to obtain all Village treasures.
Red gemstone ring
The Red Gemstone Ring (6,000 Pesetas) is in Chapter 2. After you've eliminated Ganados on the upper walkway, Ada will go downstairs to face the final monster. She is not to approach the southern gate straight away but use the stairway up and go eastward. The chest with the ring is just to the south of a live tripwire.
The Flagon (4,000 Pesetas) is to the Villa's northern side. After you've eliminated competitors in the venue, move through the southern gate and take a turn to the right side. Follow the path to the north, and a wood chest with the reward will be sitting on pieces of wood stacked one on each other. The object can be embellished with gems to increase its price.
There is a Ruby (3,000 Pesetas) in a bird's nest on Village Church's rooftop. After you've solved the Cliffside Puzzle and passed church gates, Ada needs to move to the southwestern alley and get up to a short roof over a door. The nest is in the eastern corner, and Ada is to destroy it using a shot or a stab to release the Ruby.
Velvet Blue
The Velvet Blue (2,500 Pesetas) is in Village Town Hall. After church, Ada must move in a northern direction to get to the sub-objective, where she can get a merchant shop and the Town Hall. The silver lamp is in mid-air over the cabinet of the First Aid Spray. Shooting the lamp frees up the Velvet Blue.
The Sapphire
The Sapphire (4,000 Pesetas) is in a house in Village Square's bottom-right corner. After you've defeated Black Robe in Chapter 2, Ada is in a position to get into it and get the treasure in a small box over a cabinet in a left-hand room.
The Elegant Perfume Bottle
The Elegant Perfume Bottle (10,000 Pesetas) is in a chest in Village Square's northeastern boundary barn. The front door is shut, so Ada must scale up using the western-side window to get into it and get the treasure.
The Gold Bangle
The treasure of a Gold Bangle (8,000 Pesetas) was discovered in a cabinet in a house to the north of Village Square's burning body. In order to open it, a Small Key is used, which is in possession of the Merchant next to Town Hall with Spinel.
The Extravagant Clock
The Extravagant Clock (9,000 Pesetas) is over the Village Chief's Manor's fireplace. After you've done the intro cutscene of Chapter 3, Ada must move downstairs and around to get to the mantelpiece to get the treasure.
The Red Beryl
The Red Beryl (9,000 Pesetas) is found en route to Village Chief's Manor's north side. Ada can take it when she's making a getaway from Mendez or there after she's slaughtered chainsaw-wielding creatures in the Abandoned Factory. The chest that holds the treasure is next to the covered-up well.
The Emerald
An Emerald (5,000 Pesetas) is to the east of the Merchant's Abandoned Factory business. After you leave Mendez in Chapter 3, Ada is to take the eastern route and glance up at the end. The treasure is in a silver lamp that is hanging in the high walkway.
Gold Bar
The middle room of the Abandoned Factory, in which you get the Blast Crossbow, has a cabinet that is up that holds a Gold Bar of 10,000 Pesetas. The cabinet is opened using a Small Key, which you can obtain at a local merchant store. In case Ada is short of Spinel, she can obtain more using the Jacket of All Trades Merchant quest.
Antique Pipe
The Antique Pipe (7,000 Pesetas) is in a small cabinet in a shack on the route to the Farm to the northeast. As you approach, a Ganado ambushes Ada in the shack. Beating him opens up entry to the treasure.
Pearl Pendant
The Pearl Pendant (5,000 pesetas) is hanging in a windmill over the Farm's well. Ada needs to destroy the silver lamp to release the treasure, but she needs to be cautious not to put it over the well when she shoots it; otherwise, the object is dirty and loses its price to a mere 1,000 Pesetas.
Yellow Diamond
The yellow diamond (7,000 pesetas) is hanging in a silver lamp mounted to a post on top of the large windmill in the Farm section. In order to get the reward, Ada needs to walk underneath the walkway between the windmill and the barn and destroy the light.
The Second Sapphire
The second Sapphire (4,000 Pesetas) is in the windmill on the northern Farm. In place of accessing the Villa using the bridge, Ada must turn to the right side and approach the windmill. The treasure is in a box on two green crates.
Gathering all of Village's 15 treasures in Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways results in a huge gain in Pesetas, making it possible for Ada to sell and equip weapons more conveniently. Some of the treasures can be paired up with gemstones to increase their price; hence, trading them must be done carefully.
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