Alone in the Dark Guide | Cassandra's Room Zodiac Lock Puzzle

A guide on how to solve Cassandras Room Zodiac Puzzle in Alone in the Dark.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Feb 27, 2025

The padlock should now open, allowing you to advance to the game's next phase. One of the Alone in the Dark's puzzles appears early in the game in Perosi's room. This puzzle can be difficult because it isn't always clear what you should do next, but here's how you can solve it.

Unscramble the medicine Tray Puzzle:

Collect the Medicine Bottles

Alone in the Dark Guide, Unscramble the medicine Tray Puzzle:

Margrave Liniment rests on the typewriter desk next to the typewriter in Cassandra's bedroom.

Dr. Jenkins' Lozenges: On the second floor of the mansion, in Lottie's Room, there is a locked medicine box. You'll need the Medicine Box Key, which is located on the broken piano in the Grand Parlor.

Alone in the Dark Guide, Unscramble the medicine Tray Puzzle:

Return to Cassandra's room, place the bottles on the tray, and spin them so the lines of rot form a snake-like, unbroken pattern.

Revealing the Combination

Alone in the Dark Guide, Revealing the Combination

Once the bottles are set, they will show the digits 2, 5, and 7. Open the Zodiac Lock. Convert the numbers on the medicine bottles to Zodiac signs and apply them to open the locked drawer. See Perosi's Journal, where the Zodiac chart gives you hints, connecting each number to its respective Zodiac sign.

Align the Numbers with the Zodiac Signs:

Alone in the Dark Guide, Align the Numbers with the Zodiac Signs

  • 2- Pisces
  • 5- Gemini.
  • 7- Leo

Enter The Zodiac Signs in the Lock:

  • Enter the signs in their correct order: Pisces 2, Gemini 5, and Leo 7.
  • Now you can open the drawer.

Alone in the Dark Guide, Align the Numbers with the Zodiac Signs


Also check out our Alone in the Dark Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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