Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | All Sylkis Greens Locations

A complete guide on how to get all the Sylkis Greens in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 26, 2024

You are tasked with proving Barret's innocence in the eighth chapter of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. You will have to compete in the Chocobo race when you venture into the Corel Region's lawless territory. Cloud is shocked to learn that the Chocobo he is being sent to meet is Piko, whom he battled in the Grasslands. 

Cloud will need to locate three Sylkis Greens, though, as Piko is not fit to compete. The Sylkis Greens are difficult to locate because their positions are not indicated on the map. The location of Piko feeds in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will be covered in this guide.

Sylkis Greens Location 1

The objective is to destroy the Dustbowl's three Queen's Blood You. They are Dax, Mary, and Pietro. You can raise your QB rank by defeating all three since they are also included in the QB tally. You can consult our Queen's Blood tips guide and the finest cards for your deck if you need more help with this card game. 

In any event, give the poor bird three Chocobo Feed for Piko in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth so he can recover his health. You can go on to the Chocobo Racing event by doing this. However, you can work on the other goals in the region, all of which will gain you money if you want to maximize the possible benefits. 

Sylkis Greens Location 2

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Sylkis Greens Location 2

In the minigame Desert Rush, your goal is to demolish enough boxes in the allotted time in order to score highly. However, there are additional mechanisms at work as well: Simple melee attacks can demolish small boxes. 

  • It takes many melee strikes to shatter large metal containers. Therefore, it is preferable to use skills like Brave or Triple Slash. 
  • The time restriction is extended by boxes with a clock graphic. 
  • Shock Boxes are crates with an illustration of a lightning bolt on you. 
  • Smaller lightning bolt icons are found on gearboxes.

You have to break enough Shock Boxes before you can destroy you. Gear Boxes with two red lightning bolt emblems, for example, indicate that you still have two Shock Boxes to destroy. 

Because of these Mechanics, you must use the elevators and other routes to navigate the place. Shock Boxes are occasionally positioned higher up, requiring you to go back to a lower floor in order to destroy the remaining Gear Boxes.

Sylkis Greens Location 3

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Sylkis Greens Location 3

Although you do spend some time chasing after a cactuar, this isn't actually a mini-game. Track the creature as it moves through tunnels, taking out a few gangs in the process. Additionally, you can get some consumable goodies and materia.

Sylkis Greens Location 4

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Sylkis Greens Location 4

As Cloud moves across the eastern part of the Dust Bowl, three thugs will pursue and insult him. They will be assaulted eventually. To get you to give over the Chocobo Feed, just defeat them.

Sylkis Greens Location 5

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Sylkis Greens Location 5

Here, five NPCs provide an explanation or comment regarding specific Dust Bowl landmarks. But just one of them is speaking the truth, while the other four are lying. Additionally, a little map is provided so that you can examine each landmark and determine which assertion is true. 

Our replay revealed that Knucklehead Toya (NPC #2) "got kicked out of the weapon shop for making noise." This is true because the dealer will eject you from the store if you bump into the crates and create noise. We were rewarded with Sylkis Greens for selecting NPC #2 as our response.

Sylkis Greens Location 6

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Sylkis Greens Location 6

While Cloud is alone, you must make your way to the underground silo to fight three waves of adversaries. Sylkis Greens will be given to you after that is finished. You can also earn more rewards by taking on the following wave of adversaries.


Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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