Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How to Get Every Weapon For Red XIII

A guide on how to get all the weapons for Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 29, 2024

Each of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's seven major playable characters has access to seven separate weapons. Fortunately, none of these 49 guns are genuinely missable, as most can be purchased from a weapons dealer if they are missed the first time. The rest are specific mini-games and side activities available until you reach the point of no return, which occurs at the beginning of Chapter 13.

Reaction times are the focus of Red XIII. In addition to being swift and damaging, he has several weapon abilities that allow him to act as a formidable buffer.

Mythril Collar

This is Red XIII's default weapon. It has the Stardust Ray ability and is well-balanced.

Renegade's CollarFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Renegade's Collar

The Renegade's Collar can be found in the Mythril Mines once Red XIII and Barret have been separated from the party. It possesses the Crescent Claw ability and has improved strength.

Silver Collar

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Silver Collar

The Silver Collar is a reward that can be obtained from the Free-For-All rank of the Run Wild minigame in Costa Del Sol. It is equipped with the Chilling Roar ability and enhanced attributes, in addition to a respectable selection of materia slots.

Amethyst Collar

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Amethyst Collar

The Amethyst Collar is located in the Old South Corel mine's first room, accessible during the side quest "Of Robed Men And Ransoms." It has higher stats and the Supernal Fervor ability.

Golden Collar

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Golden Collar

The Golden Collar can be found in the Gongaga Reactor by placing a Cloud on top of a container and increasing the water level. It includes the Watcher's Respite ability and improved strength.

Mystic Collar

At the start of Red XIII's trial in Cosmo Canyon, it is possible to gain the Mystic Collar by picking it up and delivering it to Bugenhagen. It has enhanced strength and the Watcher's Spirit ability.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Brísingamen

Aerith can find Brísingamen in the Temple of the Ancients, Corridor of Repose. It comes with the Reaper Touch ability and a stronger magic attack.


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Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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