Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How to Get All The Summons

A complete guide on how to get all the Summons in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 29, 2024

Three of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's fourteen Summons will be available from the start, while the remaining six can be unlocked as you progress through the main plot, with a secret Summon also available for you who choose to pursue a particular quest line through to the end. The remaining four are DLC/Bonus Summons, though these may eventually be made available to everyone.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh can be unlocked as a Summon by defeating him in battle. To unlock the battle, you must complete all the Protorelic quests in the Grasslands, Junon, Corel, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, and Nibel Regions. Once they acquire the last Protorelic, they will gain access to Gilgamesh Island in the Meridian Ocean. 

There, they will find a few more Protorelic quests. After completing them and defeating the swordsman one last time, they will receive the Gilgamesh Summoning Materia from Chadley. Unlike Summoning Materia obtained through the combat simulator, Gilgamesh cannot be upgraded, but he is still one of the best FF7 Rebirth Summons despite this limitation.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Odin

You can unlock Odin as a Summon by fighting him in Chadley's combat simulator. The battle becomes available as you continue through Chapter 11. To completely improve Odin, you will need to visit the three Odin Sanctuaries situated across the Nibel Region.

Bahamut Arisen

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Bahamut Arisen

The battle for Bahamut Arisen becomes available in Chadley's combat simulator in Chapter 10, and in order to completely improve it, you must visit one of three Bahamut Arisen Sanctuaries scattered around the Cosmo Canyon Region.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Kujata

Gain the Kujata Summoning Materia by vanquishing Kujata in Chadley's virtual fighting arena. In Chapter 9, the combat is made available for the first time. You must visit one of three Kujata Sanctuaries scattered over the Gongaga Region in order to completely develop Kujata.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Alexander

By defeating Alexander in Chadley's combat simulator, you can obtain the Alexander Summoning Materia. At the start of Chapter 6, you'll get access to the fight. In order to level up Alexander to his maximum potential, you must visit one of three Alexander Sanctuaries scattered over the Corel Region.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Phoenix

Defeating it in Chadley's fighting simulator will provide you access to the Phoenix Materia. At the start of Chapter 4, the combat becomes available for the first time. In order to level up Phoenix to its maximum potential, you must visit one of three Phoenix Sanctuaries scattered over the Junon Region.


By defeating Titan in Chadley's battle simulator, you can unlock Titan. When you encounter Chadley in the early part of Chapter 2, the battle becomes accessible for the first time. You must visit one of three Titan Sanctuaries scattered across the Grasslands Region in order to completely improve Titan.

Magic Pot

If you buy the deluxe version of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, you can get Magic Pot from the DLC/Bonus menu. You can't level up Magic Pot, unlike Summoning Materia, which you get from the battle simulator.

Moogle Trio

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Moogle Trio

If you pre-ordered Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you can get Moogle Trio from the DLC/Bonus menu. You can't level up Moogle Trio, unlike Summoning Materia, which you get from the battle simulator.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Ramuh

If you own a PlayStation 5 and have the Final Fantasy 7 Remake INTERmission save file, you can get Ramuh from the DLC/Bonus menu. Ramuh, in contrast to Summoning Materia, acquired via the combat simulator, cannot be enhanced.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Leviathan

With a Final Fantasy 7 Remake save file on PS5, you can access the DLC/Bonus menu and claim Leviathan. It is not possible to enhance Leviathan, unlike Summoning Materia earned from the combat simulator.

Chocobo & Moogle

When the player assumes command of the group in Chapter 2, Chocobo and Moogle will be available in their inventory. You can't level up Chocobo or Moogle with the Summoning Materia you get from the battle simulator.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Shiva

At the start of Chapter 2, when you gain control of the party, they will find Shiva in their inventory. It is not possible to enhance Shiva, unlike Summoning Materia earned from the combat simulator.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Ifrit

Ifrit is a resource that you can find in their inventory when they get control of the party in Chapter 2. You cannot enhance Ifrit, unlike Summoning Materia you get from the battle simulator.


Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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