Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How to Get Every Weapon For Aerith

A guide on how to get all the weapons for Aerith in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 27, 2024

Each of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's seven major playable characters has access to seven separate weapons. Fortunately, none of these 49 guns are honestly missable, as the majority of them can be purchased from a weapons dealer if they are missed the first time. The rest are specific mini-games and side activities that are available until you reach the point of no return, which occurs at the beginning of Chapter 13.

Aerith is the party's typical mage, slow and poor in ordinary assaults but capable of unleashing devastating spells with the right setup.

Guard Stick

The Guard Stick is Aerith's default weapon. It possesses the Arcane Ward ability and is evenly balanced.

Timeless Rod

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Timeless Rod

The Timeless Rod may be found at Bill's Ranch, next to the Tack Shop, in the Grasslands Region. It comes with the Chrono Aegis ability and is designed for magical attacks.

Empress's Scepter

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Empress's Scepter

When the group returns to the hotel in Under Junon, Aerith's chamber contains the Empress's Scepter. It is designed for strength and has the Radiant Ward ability.

Wizard's Rod

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Wizard's Rod

After the group splits off, the Wizard's Rod is located in the Corel area, along a river a short distance from the first rest stop on the ascent of Mount Corel. It is focused on materia slots and has the Lustrous Shield ability.

Ceremonial Staff

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Ceremonial Staff

The Village of the Gi in the Cosmo Canyon Region is home to the Ceremonial Staff. It possesses great strength and magic, restricted materia slots, and the Active Time Battle Ward ability.

Plumose RodFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Plumose Rod

After finishing all of the Combat Simulator challenges in Shinra Manor, you can find the Plumose Rod in the recently opened room beneath the manor. It possesses enhanced magic attack and the Ray of Judgement ability.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Gambanteinn

After being split from Cloud in the Sorrow's Descent, Aerith finds Gambanteinn in the Temple of the Ancients. It has high materia slots and balanced stats, plus it possesses the Noble Sacrifice ability.

Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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