Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How To Enter Crow's Nest

A complete guide on how to enter Crow's Nest in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 25, 2024

After entering Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's open-world zones, you are free to explore them as much as you want. This is a unique level of freedom. But there are a few exceptions. One of these happens in Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth when you go to the Junon Region.

How To Enter Crow's Nest

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, How To Enter Crow's Nest

To access Crow's Nest, you will require an escort, and you can locate one in "Under Junon." Climb beneath Junon, defeat the "Terror of the Deep," and subsequently manage the narrative's repercussions. 

When you are permitted to resume your exploration, converse with "Rhonda," who requests that you transport funds to Crow's Nest for her rebellious son. It is not sufficient to travel to the castaway colony with a sack of currency; additionally, you must bring a dog named Salmon. However, nothing is ever effortless. He has been proven to be the gateway to Crow Nest.

Accept the weird request and then leave Under Junon. If you want to meet up with the dog, you'll have to walk or ride all the way to his location beyond Under Junon. The good news is that you'll have something to keep you entertained on your walk or ride—Barret's parenting crisis—and the occasional monster spawn will spice things up.

Here is a list of monsters you might encounter:

  • Fleetwing
  • Capparwire
  • Zemzelett
  • Sandstorm Drake

How to Defeat Sandstorm Drake

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, How to Defeat Sandstorm Drake

At the end of the quest, you will encounter Sandstorm Drake. Defeating this enemy will open up the Crow's Nest Region.

Two "Sandstorm Drake" are strong enough to last a while and guard themselves with an aura that emits miniature tornadoes when they are damaged. These are unlikely to injure you much, but they can cause damage to Salmon. 

Worse, they can inflict the Petrify with the tornadoes they emit when attacked, leaving you with no recourse unless you have Cleansing Material Materia Lv2 on hand. In this game, the Petrify status has a limited duration, and if you receive enough damage within that time, you will become anxious. 

Taking damage also appears to reset the duration counter, so you'd need to heal the debuff with Esuna or Gold Needle or avoid damage for long enough for it to wear off. Because the Sandstorm Drakes don't deal much damage, this shouldn't be a major issue until you take a lot of hits.

We had the most success with attacking from a distance, such as with Barret's normal and Overcharge attacks or Cloud's blade beams and Bullet Batter. These monsters are very easily damaged by wind. Thus, it would be wise to equip Elemental + "Wind" material in a linked socket on your weapon to speed things up.

Identify a Sandstorm Drake and use its tornadoes to your advantage. Once you're close enough, use Focused Strike or Focused Shot to knock it out of their job. Once they're Staggered, they're not very strong, and one heavy hit like Braver should be enough to kill one.

How to Gain Access to Crow's Nest

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, How to Gain Access to Crow's Nest

At Crow's Nest, a cutscene will begin, and Barret will act like a caring father, persuading the young family he encounters to accept the money; after this scene is over, you'll be free to look around Crow's Nest whenever you want. There, you'll find more Queen's Blood and brand-new Side Quests that will help you level up even more.


Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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