Final Fantasy XVI Guide | How To Defeat Typhon The Transgressor

Here's everything you need to know to be on par with one of the most challenging boss fights in Final Fantasy XVI.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Jan 18, 2025

Typhon the Transgressor is perhaps one of the most crucial boss fights in Final Fantasy XVI—a test of quick reflexes, patience, and understanding of how battle mechanics flow in this game. Typhon looks intimidating; his strikes are so strong that he indeed proves to be a challenge to so many players. It is nothing impossible, though. He just waits for the right tactics to be defeated so that you can move ahead with the story. Find out everything you need to know here, from attack patterns to effective methods.

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Understanding Typhon's Attack Patterns

Typhon has quite a lot of moves that could be overwhelming to people who aren't used to his mechanics. One of Typhon's most known attacks includes the Void Orbs, in which he summons several black orbs focusing on Clive. If not dodged, these could indeed cause quite a bit of damage. Try to time your dodges in order to avoid them or bait them at arena barriers.

Another major attack is the Beam Sweep, where Typhon winds up and sweeps the battlefield with a beam. This may cover a large area, so it may be hard to dodge. Just look for the beam charging signs and move out of the way. 

Typhon summons more enemies with Void Portals in order to cause chaos on the battlefield. Minions that spawn from the portal are pretty weak, but they are going to be a nuisance if left unchecked. Clean them up quickly before they overwhelm you. Finally, Typhon does an AoE Slam wherein he creates a shockwave, so be ready to jump or dodge when he winds up to slam the ground.

Preparing for Battle

Make sure Clive is fully equipped with better gear, accessories, and abilities before going into battle against Typhon. It is also a good chance to craft or buy high-level weapons and armor that will give you much more damage and survivability. Accessories reducing cooldown times or increasing the healing skills of your character also come in very handy in this battle, as Typhon hits constantly and can empty your health pretty fast. 

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As for Eikon abilities, pick ones that help with movement and crowd control. Garuda's Deadly Embrace has a good chance of quickly staggering Typhon, while Phoenix's Heat Wave will do tons of damage while still keeping your defenses protected. Attack with area-of-effect and ranged abilities during his most dangerous phases. 

Buy and stock up on healing items such as potions and high potions, as there's a good chance you will take unavoidable damage during the fight. A full inventory lets you heal up faster and, consequently, keep yourself in the fight for longer. 

Strategies That Will Help You Defeat Typhon

Focus on learning Typhon's attack patterns during the very start of the battle, putting defense over offense. Successfully dodged or parried attacks increase your probability of dealing damage later on. Patience is the key; do not be greedy with your attacks because Typhon punishes greedy players with fast counterattacks. 

During the phase that he uses Void Orbs, focus on luring the orbs to places that will not hurt you. Now that the orbs have exploded, it is time to strike Typhon with force and try to fill up his stagger gauge. When Typhon calls minions through the Void Portals, kill them as fast as possible to regain control of the field. Area-of-effect skills such as Ifrit's Scarlet Cyclone or Shiva's Cold Snap are very good at cleaning up multiple enemies.

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When Typhon does his Beam Sweep, remain mobile and pay attention to which angle the beam sweeps towards to avoid taking any damage through sidestepping or dodging, successfully rolling out of the sweep. Typhon will briefly go into recovery after the beam strike; take advantage of this time and push maximum damage, more so with strong-hitting attacks such as Titan's Upheaval or Ramuh's Judgment Bolt.

Attack speed and intensity increase in Typhon's attacks as the battle prolongs, so a balance between offense and defense has to be reached. Always stay topped up on health, and never hesitate to pop a potion when you are one-shot from any of his heavier-hitting abilities.

Exploiting the Stagger Mechanic

Staggering Typhon is what changes this battle. Once his stagger gauge is completely drained, he will stand still and receive even more damage. Now, it is time to unleash your most insane Eikon abilities and combos. Save special abilities such as Garuda's Wicked Wheel and Ifrit's Ignition for when you want to maximize your damage during a staggered phase. Time is of the essence, so do not hold back substantial damage within this window, which may well cut the fight drastically.

Post-Battle Rewards and Tips

Defeating Typhon will reward you with loads of experience points, gil, and lots of crafting material that you can use to further enhance your equipment. His defeat concludes a major part of the in-game storyline, so take your time to enjoy the cinematic payoff and prepare yourself for whatever is waiting ahead.

Final Fantasy XVI, PC, Gameplay, How To Defeat Typhon The Transgressor, Screenshot, NoobFeed

If this fight sounds too hard, then revisit older areas and farm resources to upgrade your gear or perfect your combat skills. Actually, reading Typhon's attacks and timing them perfectly will make or break this fight. Remember that failure is how we learn and then rise again.


Typhon the Transgressor, though difficult, can be overcome in Final Fantasy XVI. By understanding his assault patterns, preparing for him adequately, and putting the successful strategies to work, you shall take down this behemoth of a monster and continue with your journey. Be patient and focus on what went right as you secure your victory using Eikon Abilities.

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Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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