Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 | Best Vitality Perks
Here are the best Vitality perks to get in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Game Guide by Arne on Mar 08, 2025
Vitality is the measure of Henry's Fortitude and Constitution in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. If you are a fan of Baldur's Gate 3 or Dungeons and Dragons in general, you'll know what Constitution does. For the uninitiated, however, Vitality serves to boost your stamina and energy stats.
It increases stamina regeneration and maximum stamina. To this end, Vitality makes you a stronger combatant; It helps you in virtually everything physical, from running, jumping, aiming, and melee attacks to blocks and dodges.
It also, in a way, prevents you from being damaged too much. So, you'll always be starved of stamina, especially if you don't have high Vitality. Vitality is also one of those stats that have no clear way of grinding or increasing.
The best way to do it is simply by running around, and a lot of movement, as well as attacks and blocks. You should have enough Vitality if you don't fast travel and just walk a lot. That being said, you still gain only one perk point per two levels of Vitality. Meaning you will have one perk point for every level.
Best Vitality Perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Vitality perks are more or less oriented towards keeping you alive and reducing maintenance needed. It generally gives you some buffs for keeping yourself whole and improves things like Stamina Regen, Nourishment Depletion, and so on.
Vitality perks will mostly just help you in the survival aspect of things, as well as some quality-of-life things. A lot of the Vitality perks are very useful, that being said, only some stand out as being the best. Here are the best Vitality Perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
A decent perk to pick up early on. This perk makes you bleed slower. You will still need to get yourself bandaged up; it's just that you will not bleed as fast as you usually do. This is one of the tamer perks compared to the others and is preferable if you find yourself bleeding all the time. It just gives you more time to finish up combat to use bandages.
At level 6, it is a decent perk to have; however, you might want to use the perk point here for the alternate perk available, which is slightly more useful, especially when paired with other perks in the category.
Ascetic makes your Nourishment decrease slower by 30%. Basically, it lets you last longer without food and gives you more leeway in terms of eating food. This effectively translates to you needing to eat 30% less food.
Overall, food is abundant, and you won't really have trouble finding food, especially after the early game, when you can just go around and eat from pots. This perk is more or less supplementary and makes life easier, as you'll just need to worry less.
However, when paired with a Balanced Diet, this perk becomes immensely useful as you'll basically be able to have permanent effects from the other perk.
Balanced Diet
Balanced Diet is one of the more fun perks. If you don't overeat, get drunk, or starve for three days straight, your stamina will recover 20% faster, and you will gain Vitality experience 10% faster. Overeating, getting drunk, or starving will remove the effects until you spend three more consecutive days without these afflictions.
Both the buffs from this are extremely useful and undoubtedly make this one of the best perks in the Vitality category. That being said, maintaining this perk might be a hassle as you'll constantly need to make sure your Nourishment is between 50 and 100, as well as that you don't drink alcohol.
Now, with Ascetic, you can easily just not have to eat much, keeping dried meat or smoked sausages to keep you fed. As for the alcohol thing, that might be harder to pull off, but even then, it is still nice to have.
At level 10, you will get the Well-Dressed perk, which reduces the rate at which clothes and body get dirty by 20%. It also allows you to clean yourself fully by washing yourself in a tub. You will still need to visit a bathhouse or a pond to launder your clothes, but you'll definitely have an easier time overall.
This is another quality-of-life perk that makes everything all the easier to manage. It is also worth it since the only other perk you can get in this level isn't that great and not that worthwhile.
Hermes' Haste
This one is simple, you are 20% faster while sprinting. This is great if you plan on walking places or you just don't like fast traveling. It will also just help you out in battles and other similar quests when you won't have easy access to your horse.
The 20% might not seem much, but the value always adds up, making this probably the best perk in the Vitality category. It also reduces the strain on your stamina since you'll get to places faster, so you'll save up on stamina.
Marathon Runner
This perk, found at the same level, goes hand-in-hand with Hermes' Haste. While Hermes' Haste boosts your sprinting speed, Marathon Runner reduces the stamina cost of sprinting by 20%. Again, this might not seem all that valuable, but the number really adds up, and once you get this perk, you'll almost immediately notice the effects.
Between the two sprinting perks, Marathon Runner is less desirable if you only have one Perk Point to work with. This is because the speed is more useful than the cost reduction. Overall, Hermes' Haste has more tangible and observable effects, so if you're short on Perk Points, don't get this.
Die Hard
Ever get one-shotted and have to restart from a very old save? Well, Die Hard is here for you. A killing blow, so a wound that would normally kill you, will instead cause you to recover 25% of your HP. Once you use this, it will enter a cooldown period before it can be used again.
You might be wondering how exactly that may help, but you never know; a lucky crossbow hit or an unblockable attack can just immediately end Henry. And with this perk, you'll basically have a free pass. This basically boosts your HP to 125.
Never Surrender
Now, this perk is, in a way, even better than the other one. See, with Never Surrender, if your health drops below 25 points while in combat, you get a +25 bonus armor. This isn't the best of the perks, but still worthwhile to get in order to ensure you don't die. This will definitely improve your odds, albeit not by a lot.
Aside from these, there are some perks that are useful variably. Creative Soul is nice if you're doing a lot of Alchemy or Blacksmithing, and it's a better version of some other perks.
Revenant is also nice to have if you have spare Perk Points, but in itself, it is not worth it as you can just make yourself a bunch of Chamomile Potions and Marigold Decoctions. Some perks, like Red Mist and Next to Godliness, sound great, but overall, they aren't really that useful.
That basically covers all the Vitality perks, the best ones to have, and the ones that are just not worth it. As always, if you have a certain playstyle and a perk complements that playstyle, you should go for that one; it is an RPG, after all.
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